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If you are finding this searching for answers about the disappearance of 'Deter', you have found the place.

I took it down for a few reasons. A.) I haven't touched that story since like the summer, in truth. B.) I want to re-write it. And C.) it's a new year and I want to start it without anything feeling like it's tying me down. This year I really want to focus on self reflection and doing things FOR myself bc hunny... I need it.

So if you're upset, that's fine and I get it and I'm sorry, really I am. But please just understand that I need and want to (it's cheesy I know) start this year fresh and clean. I wanna do ME this year and I'm not about to let a book that's been a gigantic unfinished thorn in my ass for the longest time that I just can't grab the right way in order to pull it out.

So thank you and hopefully this reaches everyone who cares. Love y'all regardless, and stay safe and loving bc you are deserving.

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