Awkward moments on Eid

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The annoying moment where...

Ur tryna greet someone with Eid salaams and hugs but u never know which way to go so u end up going back and forth for ages



That awkward moment u go into rukuh whilst doing Eid namaaz only to see that everyone's still reading Surah Fatihah.



When u get Eid hugs from some random relative that u don't know



When u go to someone's house and they offer u and the other guests samosas, and everyone starts eating them, until there's one on the plate and u and some other random ass cousin want to take it (cuz u thought no one else wanted it), but u can't because its rude so u both end up arguing with one other trying to offer it to each other.



The debates u have with ur friends/family/relative/animals about what date Eid is on and end up arguing for days



Them really dead Eids where u get all dressed up only to have 3 of ur annoying cousins come over for Eid and no one else

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