Growing up Bengali - The lunchboxes

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I use to look forward to every meal (being the fat shit I was and still am), except lunch time cuz I was given shit like this:

- A kola (cuz bengalis care about "that healthy life"(!))

- 2-4 biscoot cuz......y not innit

- AND FINALLY..... I use to get given sandwiches like every other kid at school, except, mine was bread with butter. Nothing else. Bread. Butter.

- And sometimes my mum did throw in a cupcake/muffin, them snickers bars, lollipops, strawberry laces etc.

Lets not lie tho, I did start buying lunches at Tesco like their sandwiches at Year 3🤣🤣

Bengali problemsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang