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"It's fine i guess i just wish you had told me sooner" jimin hugged his husband, "will i get to meet her"?

"I don't now yoongi isn't exactly welcoming right now" namjoon sighed hugging jimin back and kissing his bubblegum hair.

"It's not just his daughter it's ours to"  jimin hugged namjoon harder "i want to meet her ill be her step dad in a couple of months anyways".

Namjoons heart squeezed at the word ours wishing yoongi would say that to "ill meet him at his work tonight maybe he'll listen then"

Jimin continued to smile totally oblivious to how distant namjoon was the entire time.

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"Holy fucking shit you Psycho" yoongi scrambled away from his co worker who was currently hurtling spoonfuls of extremely gooey cookie dough at him.

"You messed up the batter now pay for it" jeongguk followed yoongi around the linoleum table of the kitchen. Both were oblivious to their boss who stood in the doorway with a couple of plates.

"both of you stop that"

"Sorry jin hyung" yoongi stopped immediately looking like a kicked puppy. cookie dough dropped of his apron almost hitting the floor but yoongi folded his apron in on itself making a gross squish sound.

Jeongguk scoffed ranting on about the messed up batch of cookie dough all over again "and then he added water for some re—".

"Hey you shouldn't have left yoongi with the batter he obviously can't bake for shit ggukie, and yoongi scramble the damn eggs we have customers" jin walked out of the kitchen area going back out to seat the next group of obnoxious people yoongi or jeongguk would have to deal with.

Yoongi started cracking eggs into a bowl adding milk "who even wants this much egg anyway" he continued to grumble cooking the eggs and setting them on there given plates.

He made his way out of the kitchen with the plates a piece of French toast on each one threatening to slip of with the syrup. stepping out of the kitchen balancing all floor plates on the steel plater. 

A family of four sat in one of the booths one older looking kid teasing a younger one both parents bickering over something. Yoongi plastered on a fake smile before setting each plate onto there table. "Anything else"?

The woman nodded "can i have my water refilled, thank you" she shoved her empty glass across the table almost smashing it onto the ground.

"No problem" yoongi gritted his teeth whipping around with the plate now in his hands, "bitch".

He filled the water slamming it back onto there table before going back to the checkout counter towards jin.

"What else" jin sighed noticing the pissed of expression the woman had glaring at the back of yoongis head.

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