Chapter 2: After Us

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Reagan & Mason

"Baby can we invite Latania over?" i stood at the kitchen counter and watch as Mason made breakfast.

"Not today Jada." he said.

"Why not?"

"I'm not in the mood."

"You want me to fix it?" i smiled.

"Chill out yo. Just lemme get a minute to think about something. Aite?"

"Okay." i frowned and walked away from him.

Today was Saturday and i was bored as hell. I thought Mason would surprise me with Latania for my birthday a few days ago but instead, he took me on a dinner date and bought me a car. I enjoyed and appreciated every bit of it but would've loved if Latania joined us.

I didn't have any feelings for Latania whatsoever but i just love the way we clicked. We texted back and forth sometimes but we were both busy. After we graduated college, she came to live in Atlanta where she  started her own lace front line and named it wigsbylatty.

I however, got a job as a financial advisor, thanks to my mom. It was close to home and i would start on Monday so i was really excited about that because my salary would be at least $150,000 after tax.

Life for Mason and i have been going really well and we wouldn't ask for anything more.

Walking up the stairs, i went to check on my little pumpkin and he was still sleeping since it was 10 in the morning. Going to my room, it was messy so i began cleaning. When i started, i got in the mood so i ended up cleaning the whole house and still, Mason was upset about something. At this moment, he was washing the dishes after breakfast and i was just finished with doing laundry.

While folding our clothes, i watched as Reese would try to crawl but instead, he laid down.

"Baby you wanna talk about your little attitude?" i ask.

"I'm waiting on Latty to come thru."

"Oh you called her? It's a good thing i cleaned up. What are we gonna do with Reese though?" i smiled, excited for my day already.

"Nothing Jada. Just chill." he sighed. I frowned and looked at him.

"Mason what's wrong?" i ask just as i heard the doorbell go off. He got up and went to get the door and when he came back, Latania was walking behind him.

They sat in the sofa and i held a more confused look because if we weren't gonna have sex, what exactly will we be doing?

"So the other day, Latania texted me." Mason said and i looked at her looking at me.

"Okay? What was the text about?"i ask.

"Well..." she started. "The last time we had sex, was last month. I haven't been seeing anyone but you guys. However, i took a pregnancy test..."

"And it came back positive." Mason finished.

"What?" i whispered in disbelief. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." she shrugged.

"Babe." i looked at him, tears clouding my vision.

"I'm sorry. She texted me and told me and i..." he sighed.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, i shook my head. I didn't expect our activity to reach this far and i knew i should've listened to Mason when he spoke. He was only trying to make me happy and this was where it's at.

As i was about to speak, i heard gunshots outside causing Reese to cry in freight. I picked him up just as Mason went to look what it was. Sooner, he came jolting towards us with an unreadable expression on his face.

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