Chapter 24: Beginning of Time (Epilogue)

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Thursday May 12 @ 8:23 am
(4 months after the 'abortion')

33 Years Ago

What if you didn't say something you should and your life turns out a different way. What if you didn't show interest? What if everything was just a dream?

Jaimee Simone

"Mom i wanted to go to that college because of what i want to become."

"You only have a year left in highschool sweety. You don't have to think about college now."

"I'm tryna figure out what i wanna do with my life and you're not supporting me." i told her. We were standing in the kitchen having a very important conversation and she wasn't giving me the support i need.

"I am. By telling you, now is not the time. What do you wanna become by the way?"

"A cosmetologist so i wanted to go to college to get the degree in that as well as business." i smiled.

"You don't need to go to college for that. It's a skill. Just do it."

"Why do Jalissa have to go to college and i can't? I wanna go to college mom."

"Because i don't have the money for you to go to college Jaimee Reign Simone!!" she yelled at me.

I can't lie and say I'm not hurt because i was. She would spend her all on Jalissa and Jada but not me. I've never done nothing to this woman but love her and she can't do the same for me. All i wanted to do was to go to college in the next year.

"Alright." i nodded.

I left the house and waited on the school bus. My mom couldn't take me to school because she had to take care of my 2 year old sister. That's a stupid ass reason but it's whatever. My older sister Jalissa was currently in college studying law and i was proud of her.

I called my boyfriend to see if he could pick me up but he told me he was already at school and he wasn't coming for me. Waiting on the bus, i had to go through verbal abuse every day. I hated taking the bus and my mom knew that.

Once it came, i got on and sat in an empty seat. There was alot of my classmate on the bus and they didn't like me because of how fat i am. I had no problem with that because i was gonna get better. It might not be now but it's soon.

When i got to school i was almost late for class.

"Babe you didn't save a seat for me?" i ask while taking my bags off.

"Girl get yo ass around the back and sit the fuck down." he laughed.

"Right." i mumbled.

I took my seat at the back of the class while everyone was at the front. Ronaldo and his friends, Saiquan, Keyeion and Jordy was always talking about me. Well not Keyeion because i don't think he even likes me. When Ronaldo would talk about me, he wouldn't have anything to say. Sometimes when i would greet him, he wouldnt even answer me. He's weird.

We had English first where we had to read a story and answer the questions. I was almost finish since i already did it out of boredom a week ago.

When class was finish, i was standing at my locker when my boyfriend approached me.

"How are you feeling?" Ronaldo ask me.

"Alright i guess."

"I'm glad we did the abortion. You and i both know we weren't ready."

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