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THE NIEVIAN MID-SUMMER sunlight dappled plush green grass through the branches of all ellian trees. A small girl danced about making contact with the land through the toes of her bare feet. The human youngling was presently a spry four years of age. Her laughter consumed the breeze, and her red flowing locks bounced in her wake. In her hand she possessed a stick with colorful lengthy ribbons billowing from its tip. Continuous giggles accompanied the twirling of the vibrant streamers.

The Nievian summer was a short-lived time period...
only lasting a duration of fifty straight days. Those along the
Southern Sylvanian border were blessed to take a break from the consistent winter that spread over the planet.

Surrounding the petite human was the magnificent mountainous countryside, and the private ranch of Sylvanian Senator Michael L. Wells. An alignment of trees followed a gravel pathway to the face of an immense modern homestead. The marble structure was erected behind an extra extravagant front courtyard featuring a complex display of fountains and ornamental water-art. Stained glass windows with fabulous imprinted designs over-looked the scene. A front patio containing plush seating sat outside.

Loud humming engulfed the atmosphere above capturing the small child's interest. The youngling spun around to face an approaching private cruiser with embellished imperial garnishing. The small craft dove beneath the tree-cover and flew under escort of the pathway to reach the court-yard. The red-haired child dashed behind the vehicle with a heightened spring in her step.

The private craft slowed to a gradual halt before the mansion's glorious front entrance-way and expelled a ridged exit ramp. The youngling arrived just in time to address its owner.
From the ship emerged an enormous bulky figure robed in Sylvanian dress robes. This character exhibited a merciless façade, and skin painted the shade of rich mahogany. A-top his head hair was absent, but abundantly present around his jowls. Half of the gents face was horrendously scarred, and covered by a partial mask. He was a frightening brute to glance upon, standing approximately eight feet tall, clad in armored muscle. This did not bother the girl...

"Uncle Shadow!" She delightfully cheered while skipping into
the presence of the giant. Shadow sat his possessions beside his boot and scooped up the tiny girl's body with a humble, deep-throated chuckle.

"How is my beautiful niece doing? It appears you have grown! Where is Adrian at? I have a few things for the lad."
Shadow repossessed the large cargo bag and carried the child in his opposing arm. The front door of the mansion spontaneously opened with Jester standing inside its frame. He exhibited a pleasant smirk, and sported a more youthful complexion of about eight years younger.

"Aye Shadow! What a lovely surprise! What brings you here?" Jester questioned as he waltzed across the front patio, also dressed strikingly.
"I am here for Adrian." The lumbering man answered.
"Ah, he is inside... Come along, don't just stand there, you're family." The middle-aged man waved as escorted his associate and daughter into Michael's homestead.

Inside the mansion, I occupied a wheelchair within the confinement of my bedroom. Before me was a busy desk, containing half-finished models and tools of the trade. I rested my head amongst the mess, and floated in and out of a slumber. At the time I was young... possessing only eight years.
"Adrian!" Jester's voice resonated in the hallway, and penetrated my cracked chamber door. I lifted my thick skull and rubbed my watered eyes while expelling a deep sigh. My
associate called again, upon not receiving an answer.

"Adrian! Shadow is here, come' on A!" He barked from the central gathering room. Sunlight glittered amongst the gathering chamber after passing through the eye-catching stained-glass. This focal room contained hefty leather couches, and a ceiling dressed in etched plaster.

Shadow sank his form onto a single furnishing and released Jester's child, Abby. He persisted to hoist his luggage on the padding alongside his body and fiddle with its straps until its interior was revealed. Inside were two flawless artistically crafted prosthetic legs. The pair appeared to be fabricated out of solid brass and contained the standard curvature of natural human legs. Jester expressed a humble smile.

"It is about time that boy learns to walk! You need to make something of that child Jess..." Shadow barked.
I soon appeared within the rear entrance of the room, and emerged out of the hallway pushing my wheelchair. Shadow stood upon my attendance, I could sense he was delightfully excited about something.

"Hey Shadow." I mumbled while pushing myself into his immediate presence, inviting the bulky man to my side.
"It is nice to see you again Adrian... today you are going to learn something new." Shadow informed as he dug into the large bag he possessed. My eyes widened when he revealed the prosthetics and a pair of forearm crutches to match. Jester's great associate delicately rolled up my pants and exposed my bare skin to gain an exact fit. He continued to pull me forward and slip my thigh into the velvet cuffing. I observed and cooperated until I was freshly outfitted in my new limbs. Shadow seized my hands and situated my feet on the floor.
"Alright Adrian... one, two, three..." He counted before drawing me headfirst and onto the flats of the bronze limbs beneath me. At that moment I couldn't decipher my emotions, something felt unusual, uncomfortable, but insanely exciting. A smile snuck across my lips as Shadow finished my new appearance with the pair of forearm crutches. I wrapped my fingers around the rubber grips, and exhaled.

"This is going to take some getting used to... I have confidence
in you. This is an essential challenge, Adrian. I refuse to let you rot in this house." Shadow concluded as he stood up and released me. Jester quietly viewed from a single bar-unit and lit himself a cigarette. The Sylvanian exhaled a cloud anxiously as I stumbled forward.

Abundant joy of newly acquired independence filled my soul as I improved my gait with each step. Abby delightfully hurried over to my side with a luminous grin decorating her face.

"Come on Adrian! I want to go outside!" She snatched my arm and bounced on her toes. I did not hesitate to make the obviously correct decision. Like in a dream... Abby and I dashed outside, hand-in-hand for the first time in our relationship. I effortlessly managed to chase her around the countryside... the wind tossing my blonde hair, and grass brushing against my brass toes. Confidently, I abandoned my crutches and pounced on the small child, she spurt out a squeal as I tackled her to the ground.

Inside the household, Shadow observed from the tinted windows... content with his work. Due to this achievement, I was sent my much desired freedom. I was now capable of attempting anything, including learning how to fly and pursuing a military career. These thoughts were within, but far from my mind at that moment.
This cheerful... serene memory rapidly vanished from my mind as I was delivered into the torment of my present reality.

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