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EMPRESS LACOMBE'S SHIP arrived in Centrailia shortly after the initial surge of her infantry, the pearl jumper vessel descended gradually into the open streets. As it extended its landing skids, an exiting ramp was expelled from its side. Emerging from the bright interior of the ship was the Empress herself.

The powerful goddess was clad in a personal set of armor... painted her signature white and gold. Draped over the shoulders of the elegant protective suit was a billowing, translucent golden cape. In a hand she possessed an electric staff that also doubled as a dual set of blades if caught in close range combat. Topping the deadly angel was a braided crown of her black hair... The Empress truly was the direct embodiment of both sophistication and terror.

Miriam advanced onward confidently. Drawing her forward was the finest congregation of her infantry. She strode over to their immaculately aligned ranks. A soldier stepped forward titled Segaul... This rough half-giant was the finest foot soldier the Empire had come to embrace. Segaul managed to lead multiple successful ground advancements throughout the Nievian solar system. He was the only Nephilim to presently grace the ranks... and had been specifically known for his bizarre desire of human flesh.

There was only one other Nephilim known to retain the same unusual craving for the blood of his fellow man. That individual was my lead mechanic in Centrailia, and dear comrade... Shadow. Aside from fashioning my prosthetics, Shadow was a close advisor to both Jester and I. His presence and special yearnings would insert fear into a being's heart, but his advice was golden.

The Empress beamed a delicate leer toward Segaul before addressing the infantry commander.
"I request that you show no mercy... Raid every household
if you must, execute those that refuse information. Your primary target is Colonel R14 Jester Akray, and Commander Isroah. They will satisfy my search..." Miriam concluded.

"What of the hydra, your majesty?" Segaul probed.
"You will be searching for a human child."
"A... human child?" The Nephilim solider questioned, taken back.
"Yes. You heard me correctly. It will be between the age
of twelve and eighteen years." The armored Empress expressed while turning away, and observed the addition of surplus imperial troop transporters as they broke Centrailian airspace. "We will comb this city, and reestablish our hold while doing so. Jester is a Nephilim himself... he is an illusionist, so reevaluate every move you make..." Miriam concluded with a scowl secured across her lips.


Riley remained masked by the over-hanging darkness of nightfall. She dashed in-between buildings, and stayed away from the direct detection of Sylvanian soldiers... who now swarmed the city like pests.

The young Nephilim approached a street, clad with metal paneling, and rapidly bent down to make direct contact with a concealed entryway. Riley snatched the access-panel and heaved it aside on its hinges, just enough to fit her body through. She then proceeded to slip through and seal the gateway behind her.

The cavern, in-which she gained entrance to, was attached to an underground network of channels connecting Centrailia's surviving military operations... and primeval city. The passageway that Riley presently occupied was illuminated by dismal overhead lighting, and also paneled with metal overlay. The Nephilim advanced onward and again switched on her communicator to address the vice commander.

"Vice Commander Akray, can you hear me? This is Riley
SaLiera I have an update from the surface..." The woman from Brao transmitted.

Several hundred feet away, Riley's message resonated in an immense underground hangar system bursting with dynamic Centrailian troops and aircraft. This designated area was primarily used for mechanical repair, and reverse engineering of stolen technologies. Currently it was the site of assembly due to the aggressive threat that reigned on the surface. Riley attempted another contact as she persisted through the narrow tunnel network.

"Vice Commander Akray, this is Riley. Please respond." She communicated, as her first message remained unanswered.
Within the hangar, Jester assisted my decoy with troop arrangement, and organizing of our forces. The fire-haired Centrailian and decoy (of Isroah) currently aided aviation ground crew in loading their long-range missiles. This additional expansion of Centrailia's forces actively prepared for the worse... and combat with Sylvanian roamers. To the far side of the activity, Shadow welded the final touches on a unique reverse engineered Centrailian roamer.

This special design was to be operated through basic exoskeleton mechanics... Unlike the Sylvanian machines that fed through cognitive communication. The bulky character sat within the machine's cockpit, and caught Riley's transmission through his headset.

"Riley, the Vice Commander is occupied... express your information. I will convey your message to him." Shadow griped.
"Who... is this?"
"... I am a longtime associate of Jester I assure you, your
message will be secure with me."
Before the Nephilim woman could her transfer her message, a massive explosion shook the underground, sending large debris within her path, and blackening her vision. Riley leapt away from the partial tunnel collapse and addressed herself in shock.
"Shit! We are losing time... the empire will have the entire city destroyed at this point!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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