The Introduction

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When we reached and Dylan opened the door for us I almost fainted. There sat beside my new boss where the 'prince' should be seating was...

The Introduction~

"Sean?" I accidentally shouted out loud in shock with my mouth left hanging open. The guy who was sitting beside my new boss looked up towards me and like shock too.

He regained his composure and shouted "what the hell are you doing here?"That was when his father stepped in he said "she is your new assistant now so take good care of her son" as he patted Sean's back.

He looked at his father and than back at me and said with a big smirk "of course dad, I will especially take good care of her," the father just stupidly sat there thinking he accomplished something great in life while I was still standing at the door thinking differently.


"You're such a stupid idiot" Sean said as he pushed me to the ground. "Like you're not a stupid idiot yourself" I said standing up and pushed him against the nearby dustbin.


"Get away b****!" Sean shouted as he pushed me out of the food queue." You b****** as I pushed him out and went in to the queue, he than started to scratch my face and I retaliated after a few minutes everyone was shouting cat fight and before we knew it the teachers came.


My new boss motioned me to sit at the table with them, so I did. All the while I was walking and sitting Sean was looking at me scheming something in his stupid brain to get back get at me for 'burning' him in public.

We three were all eating in silence when my boss killed it, he said "Since both of you already know each other I won't be introducing and since I'm on good terms with Henna you will NOT be firing her."

Sean just smiled and said " how could I ever fire such a person without having a little fun?" He looked at me and winked causing me to spit out the peas I just put into my mouth.

Sean stood up and walked towards me and took a napkin and dabbed by lips with its and said "are you supposed take care of me or is it the other way round?" While saying that he smirked and winked again.

I pushed his hands away and said with now flaming red cheeks "I can take of myself" and snatched the napkin from his hand and continued wiping my lips after he did.

He just stood there smirking and after what seems like hours he said...

I am so sorry that I didn't update for quite long, but I hope you enjoy this chapter and please comment so that I can improve!:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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