3 | HER

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"You're awake. Don't bother pretending to be asleep."

Miya said as she observed from her seat; the man clearly frightened by the awakening of danger in his own home, his office—all tied up in a chair as sweat dripped down from his forehead. It was only morning which one might think why someone would be held hostage in the midst of daylights. Miya could get caught if anyone sees an ominous shadow in the lights, but this was just a part of her plan.

"Takashi Wiro," the man tensed when his name left her lips, veiled by her black scarf. "Successful lawyer. Have worked along with Best Jeanist two years ago and worked on various cases including one from Europe. Also associates with the mayor of Musutafu and—"

A swift swish of a knife flew past him, stabbing the wall behind him.

"—former worker of AMPED."

Takashi's stiffened frame could only give her a quivering gaze, gulping at the piercing gaze from the woman in front of him. Although whatever Miya was wearing was just a pair of black boots, jeggings and a leather hoodie accompanied with her black scarf to preserve her identity, her menacing gaze was enough to send shivers throughout his body.

"W-Who are you? A-And what do you want?"

"It's simple. Really. All I wanna know is where AMPED is located."

"AMPED? But I've never been ther—"

Another knife stabbed the wall.

"W-Wait! I-I'll tell you everything! I swear! I don't know where AMPED is but I'll tell you everything I know about them! Please!" Takashi begged, eyes begging for mercy from the form of death as Miya rose an eyebrow at the statement, slowly standing from her seat and strode towards him.

"You've been restrained for 24 hours and in about twenty minutes, an authority will barge through the front door to search for a missing person," Miya smoothly stated, stopping right in front of the hostage as she watched him trembled with fear. "Start talking."

"I-I used to work for them, yes. They hired me in case anyone they allied with would file a lawsuit about what they were doing. I never knew what that organization would do. I thought they're just another production company of some sort. B-But I remember they called me in once when someone tried to sue them for conducting an experiment without safety precautions. I-I didn't know what kind of experiment they were doing but... from what I heard from the other party, they said something about 'artificial mutation'. I-I didn't know what it means back then but when I tried to call those people who tried to prevent AMPED from conducting more experiments, I couldn't reach them. I thought they were resolving their business at first, but that's when I got an anonymous call."

"Who called you?" Miya was invested.

"I'm not sure... But I believe it was one of them from AMPED. He... He sounded like he was warning me but... the call got cut off. By then, I was actually glad it did because after what happened, I never wanted to work for them ever again. That was only a year ago and yet, nothing really happened to me until you—uh—tied me up. I thought they sent you to kill me."

"Why?" Her brows furrowed. "Why would they want to kill you?"

"B-Because anyone who has been from AMPED knows their secrets. I never knew much... but after that incident, I never went back. I didn't even try."

An exasperated sigh left her lips, tugging on the hood of her leather as she leaned forward—to Takashi's surprise—to yank off the two small knives from the wooden wall. She surprised him again when she used one of it to cut off his restraints, flexing his own wrist as his gaze slowly dragged across her intimidating figure.

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