Chapter 1

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Ashley's POV

Life is so boring. Literally everything is. Nothing exciting ever happens, like ever. I'm always left on my own since my Dad is called on cases because he works as an FBI agent, which sucks because I never see him and as for my Mum and brother, well they live in Beacon Hills because my parents are divorced. Scott wanted to stay with Mum and I didn't really want to choose but I felt bad for Dad being on his own so I chose him and I was such a Daddy's girl anyway. I never found out the reason for why they divorced, just one tea time we were all sitting around the table in silence and that's when Scott and I knew something was wrong because usually there is always someone talking. Then Dad just came out with the news, it was probably one of the most awkward meals I have ever had but I don't really remember much, since I was only six. That was ten years ago, now I'm sixteen and loving life. No I'm kidding I'm not really. I live in Seattle with my Dad, in a small apartment and I'm home schooled since I have to go to other cities with my Dad for work. That is why I have no life's because I have no friends, never really have and I've most definitely never had boyfriend. My Dad and I are pretty close but I need to be around more people, I mean I don't see much of him, but still. The good thing about going to other cities is that I get to go sight seeing, I do go on my own but I guess it's pretty fun. I can go for hours and my Dad would never notice because he leaves the hotel first thing in the morning and comes back late at night. Sometimes he doesn't even come back. I haven't seen my Mum and brother since I was ten, I used to stay with them a lot but then Dad got his job and he never had the time to take me and since my Mum is a nurse, she never had time to come to me and as for Scott, he is only a year older than me so wouldn't of been able to come see me on his own. I'm guessing now he's forgotten about me, I don't understand how or anything since he's such a dork and most likely isn't popular because he can't play sports and he only has one friend, Stiles. And don't get me started on the girls, he won't have any, he probably gorms at them all the time though. I should stop thinking about all of this, it just fills my head up and then I feel depressed.

I dived of my bed and landed face first in the floor, and I cried in pain. I'm sure I heard something crack. My bedroom door flew open and my Dad observed me from the door way and then crosses his arm and stared down at me. Honestly, it's like he doesn't care about me anymore because he just walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"Love you two." I muttered to myself as I grabbed onto the bed pole and pulled myself back up to my feet.

I seriously don't know what to do with myself, everything was just so depressing. I hate sitting at my computer just browsing the Internet, it's so boring, I'm more of an adventure girl but my dad never let's me out of the apartment. He doesn't even know I go sight seeing in other cities, he just never realises since he always leaves me in the hotels. He is really protective over me but he acts like he hates me. Sometimes I really do wish I stayed with my mum. Quickly, I glanced over to the clock and saw it was 9pm, I might as well just go to bed because I haven't got anything better to do.

After I had changed into my jamas, I climbed into bed and got into deep thought about why my parents really divorced. Was it because it just wasn't working? Was it because of Scott and I? Did one of them cheat on the other? I never really thought about it this much, now it's going to be on my mind until I find out the real reason. But with that I drifted of to sleep.

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