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It's now Monday and i'm finally going back to school. My dad isn't letting me do online school over a boy which I understand. I'm just not ready to see him in the halls.

I haven't slept all night, so waking up at 6 am wasn't the move so I slept in for another 40 minutes. And this is where I am now, laying in my bed making myself get up.

As I do that I go to my closet and grab a hoodie and Nike shorts. I put my hair into a ponytail and put a hat on. I wish I could wear sunglasses but I can't.

I run downstairs and slid on my bike shoes and let my dad know I'm leaving. "Okay bye, drive safe, love you!" He yells and I tell him I love him and leave.

I look like a mess but I don't really care what anyone thinks at this point.

I park my car after a ride of silence and walk in the school. Some eyes land on me, some people turn to their friends and whisper, and some don't even see me. I hate this.

Suddenly I see the group of people I didn't want to run into. The Populars. Amelia's minions are there, so are some jocks, I can't find Johnson but I see jack, holding Amelia's hand. I guess he did move on.

I try my best to walk by them without being noticed but Amelia sees me and steps infringe of me. "Awe, look, guys, she finally decided to show up." She says and I shake my head not wanting to deal with this.

"Amelia, you win, you got what you wanted now just leave me alone," I say so only she can hear.

She just stares at me and smirks, slowly backing up to her group. You might be thinking 'wow you won that argument' no I didn't.

I see make eye contact with Jack, then to his arm around Amelia, and I shake my head, going to my locker.

"Hey girlie!" Kenzie says coming up to my locker with Johnson behind her. "Hey," I say with less enthusiasm, not on purpose.

"What's wrong?" She asks and I shake my head "Nothing." I don't want to talk about Jack.

"Come in you know you can talk-" I cut her off "No, I don't want to talk about it." And I slam my locker shut as the bell rings and walk to my first hour.

Great, I forgot Jack was in this class. I walk to my seat. I'm hoping jack doesn't sit here today.

Class starts and he's not even here. What am I doing? I need to stop thinking about him.


I walk into class and see Jack. We make eye contact and I look away. I go to sit down but the teacher calls me up after getting off the phone with someone.

"Kaitlyn, your dads here to pick you up." I furrow my eyebrows confused as to why he's here and slowly stand up.

I walk up to her desk and grab the hall pass that she has written out and left. I head to my locker and grab my stuff then go to leave.

I see his car and him in it so I get in the passengers seat. "Why-" I start to ask.

"It's been one year." He says. Holy shit, It has. April 26th. fuck.

I've been so caught up thinking about Jack and all this drama that I forgot about my own mom dying. I'm a horrible daughter.

We get out of the car and my eyes automatically dart to the stone. The flowers Jack and I put down over here the day he asked me to prom, are on the verge of death.

I'm holding in the tears to stay strong. I'm done crying.

We sit at her grave and I listen as my dad talks to her. "You think she's listening?" I ask and he looks back at me and nods with a kind smile on his face.

"I come here every week and talk to her," I say nothing, I didn't even know he did that.

"Wanna try? You'll feel better." He says and I shake my head. "Come on-" I cut him off "No," I say staring at the grave.

He sighs and puts his hand up to his lips and kisses it, placing it back on the gravestone.

"Okay, let's go get some lunch." I nod and we head back to the car.


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