16. Don't know you super well but I think that you might be the same as me

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Pete sat down at the bar and ordered a drink, it was the sort of place you go for the... company.

Someone recognised him and sent a nod across the room, which he returned. Seeing clients here wasn't a good sign.

He scanned the room, looking for someone who wouldn't care for morality. Or maybe he just wouldn't tell them, he could momentarily live in a world without Mikey.

A guy sits down next to him.
"She's gay," He told Pete, in reference to the girl in red he'd just smiled at.
"So am I, but I'm done with guys and im hoping she's... not."
"From what I know, she has been for a long time."
"Not exactly."
"Oh?" He prompted, pushing Pete on.
"No," He chuckled, "I am not drunk enough to explain."
Gabes eyes flicked to his drink and back to him. "But you want to be?"

It didn't take long.

"We're on and off."
"Ugh, I don't even know. Like, we broke up for the longest time we ever had and I even dated someone else for like a month, but now we're back and happy but he doesn't even care? We were arguing and I threatened to break up with him and he was just like 'whatever'. So I threatened to cheat instead and he still didn't really do anything, so here I am..."
"Dude, you're clearly looking for an emotional connection, I'm not sure you'll find one here."
"I don't know what im looking for. Sorry I, y'know, told you everything."
"It's good."
"So what about you? What are you looking for thats not an emotional connection?"
"A cute boy with relationship issues?"
"Smooth, but what did I say about being done with boys?"
"You want advice?"
"Pretty please,"
"Don't cheat on him, It's not worth it, just be honest with him, and if you break up?" He shrugged, "Then you break up."
"What did you say your name was? Gabriel?"
"Just Gabe."
"Okay then, Gabe The Just," Gabe grinned, "You give good advice. Thank you."
"No problem, Peter."

Pete regarded him, "So I came to this shitty bar for no reason?"
"Am I not a good reason?"
"Mmm, adequate."
"I know this comes off the back of saying you shouldn't cheat, but can I have your number? For updates."
"Of course," Pete opened his phone to his own contact and showed it to Gabe. "I'll talk to him immediately."
Gabe laughed. "Maybe not immediately,"
"See? More great advice?"
"Talk to him properly, and sober."
"Proper and sober events are my least favourite."


Pete didn't notice the letter when he got in that night, Gabe unfortunately not in tow.

He did, however, notice it the next morning, lying innocent and white on his doormat.

It was addressed to him, but not his address, so they'd clearly dropped it off personally, and it was in Mikeys handwriting.

He took it to his kitchen table and slit it open with the knife he'd just been using to butter toast with.

Its a breakup of sorts, even with the line saying its not — it was. Its a breakup tinted in the vinegary yellow of selfishness. He acted like its all for Petes gain when in reality it only hurt him.

Pete doesn't know when he shifted from apathy to overdramatised caring, but either way its not the sort of things you say to people you care about.

He's ready to cry, rereading the letter over and over for something he missed the other time.

A letter. A fucking letter. He didn't know exactly how he felt about that, if it was better or worse than a text, or in person.

Half of him wants to crumple it up like its meaningless, and throw it in the bin (not the recycling, it doesn't deserve that).

Instead he took a photo and sent it to Gabe.

Pete: maybe we should have hooked up after all
Gabe: he said it wasn't a break up. Talk to him.
Pete: rn i'd rather do anything than talk to him.
Gabe: you gotta
Pete: I dont have to do anything. He always does this. Fucks us up. Im over It.
Gabe: you're not, tho
Gabe: and you have to tell him if youre done
Pete: no i don't.
Pete: come over?
Gabe: thats a bad idea.
Pete: please

Gabe looked up from his phone and wondered how bad an idea it would really be to go over to this guy he'd just met once's house.

Pete suddenly felt like he should have texted Andy or Joe first, and they should know what was going on. He told himself that if Gabe refused he'd invite them over. But then he'd have to deal with their 'told you so's' and they would gloat in it, not be heartbroken alongside him.

Gabe: whats your address?
Pete sent his location
Gabe: ill be there soon

Pete took the letter and folded it up, put it back into its bland envelope so it looked like it could be anything. He wished it were anything but that.

He was good at masks, at facades. So when Gabe knocked he answered with a smile and golden eyes.

Gabe didn't need to know how fake it was.


Mikey could barely remember what exactly he wrote the night before, but he knew he should have gotten a response by now, and they're wasn't one.

He decided that the best thing to do was cycle over there again, and talk to him face to face, and apologise.

What could possible go wrong?

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