Untitled Part 5

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Because of this incident, Soo-jung is fired from her job and is once more jobless. To make ends meet, she goes back to the karaoke again with Mi-hee. Young-joo finds Soo-jung and offers her a job at Jae-min's mother's gallery. Soo-jung decides to take up the offer. Jae-min is upset with what Young-joo has done to humiliate the woman he loves. He tells Soo-jung to quit the job and tells Young-joo that he is determined not to marry her. Young-joo in turn tells Jae-min that she is beginning to like him and will not call off the engagement. She dares Jae-min to call it off if he has the guts to go against his parents. Young-joo decides to stay over at Jae-min's apartment, but Jae-min leaves the apartment in disgust. He gets drunk and calls Mi-hee's mobile for Soo-jung in his drunken state.

In-wook and Soo-jung finds a drunk Jae-min outside the apartment. In-wook takes Jae-min in for the night. Jae-min wakes up and looks for Soo-jung at Mi-hee's apartment. He takes Soo-jung out and buys her a mobile phone. Jae-min calls Soo-jung on the mobile and asks to meet her.

Young-joo is caught drinking by herself at a hotel bar by Jae-min's friends. She calls In-wook over. As Young-joo is too drunk, In-wook checks her into the hotel. They met Jae-min at the lobby (he was tipped off by his friends), and Soo-jung walks into the lobby (she was tipped off by Jae-min). In-wook takes Young-joo up to the room, and Jae-min also leads Soo-jung to another room. He wants her to spend the night with him, and told Soo-jung that it is an opportunity for Soo-jung to try to replace Young-joo. She takes up the offer, and as she undresses Jae-min asks Soo-jung whether she can at least pretend to like him, and whether she agrees to spend the night with him to spite In-wook. Soo-jung asks Jae-min why he let her see In-wook with Young-joo and if it is for revenge as well. She leaves the room and at the corridors bumps into In-wook.

Young-joo went to Jae-min's apartment. She asks Jae-min whether he is jealous with what he saw and asks him not to make use of Soo-jung. Jae-min tells Young-joo that he likes Soo-jung the same way she likes In-wook. Young-joo is shaken with Jae-min's confession.

In-wook asks Soo-jung to leave Young-joo's employment, and Soo-jung asks In-wook whether he is ashamed about her job. She tells In-wook that she is used to such treatment and that it is alright to be working in such a cushy environment even though it is under such humiliating circumstance.

In-wook is promoted and he calls Soo-jung to have dinner with him. Soo-jung agrees but her conversation is overheard by Young-joo. Young-joo throws Soo-jung's phone in the water. Jae-min looks for Soo-jung in the gallery but was caught by his mother. As he tries to pacify his mother, Jae-min admits that he finds himself going insane when he does not get see Soo-jung even for a day. Soo-jung is shocked by Jae-min's admission of his affections for her. Jae-min sends Soo-jung home and asks her to stay by his side.

In-wook calls Jae-min and asks him whether he is with Soo-jung. Jae-min passes the phone to Soo-jung and In-wook is upset that she stood him up for dinner.

Jae-min takes Soo-jung to an apartment and tells her that she can stay there while she makes up her mind about his proposition. Soo-jung decides to accept Jae-min's offer and moves out of Mi-hee's apartment. She asks Jae-min what his conditions are. Jae-min agrees to give her anything she wants but marriage.

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