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This was a good month.
I made such amazing friend; we're actually still friends till this day. His name? Ben.

I had feelings for this kid and some say it was mutual. But let me not jump ahead.

I was friends with these 3 girls I don't know how to describe them but I have nothing against them now. I hung out with them one night and I was having a blast being stupid and wild. I knew one thing, don't get caught. I got into this silver Jeep not knowing who I was going with; we turned up the tunes and started rocking out to country music. I enjoyed this night because I tried new things & met new people. I thought-  this was gonna be a good thing; turns out it wasn't what I hoped it would be. Ben and his friend Chris we're both quiet good looking. That night I thought I was falling for Chris, we both just wanted to explore each other but ... we didn't. I knew it wasn't right nor fair to Valentina. She was my friend and Chris was her ex. I stopped myself from doing anything and him on the other hand ? I'm not quite sure what was going through his mind. A few weeks past and I was talking to Ben we became good friends, talked about everything. I started having this feeling I didn't want.

I was now in a different environment. What was to come? Moving was great, by now I knew the routine and I didn't mind it; I love change and I work best when it comes to change. My father was gone and we all had to cope; we all did this differently.

As March went on I lost connection with the girls. Valentina started to despise me, as well as her little minions. They all liked Ben and I wasn't sorry for anything; but neither were they. Valentina had a scare, she would always try to make it obvious when she was around me. My best friend, Amanda, knew it. She hated them because they would do this to me. I was very heartbroken when I found out about the scare. I didn't need this drama in my life; so I made a decision of dropping them and went on with my life.

Time kills : sixteen Where stories live. Discover now