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A good month was about to start but I didn't know it yet.

I met this one guy, Nick, he was something different (not in a good way). The way he started to talk to me and the way he gave me his number was cute. He was very nervous when he did this. We talked for a bit, but while we were talking a different guy appeared in my life, Grayson.

Grayson was  unique and different from the rest of them. But let me get you caught up with Nick first and how we ended things.

Nick and I talked for about a week or two. He was sweet and caring. He told me about his past and I told him a little about mine but not the whole nine yards. He asked me my intentions and I responded with a "I'm not sure". He told me his and that was a relationship. Now when I look back at it I see us as just friends; but after what he said and did I would never let him near my family. I was very close to giving him a chance but Grayson walked into my life.

August 19th
The day Grayson drove me home.

I wrote a story about him already; he was my first boyfriend ever. I enjoyed the time I spent with him. I don't regret being with him one bit. Grayson helped me out of the dark place I talked about. I thank him for the support he gave me. Even if we aren't together I will do anything for him & I will support him. He is still my ugly, my bum & my loser. A great friend; I will always want to have & never want to lose. The feelings are still there which is reasonable since it's only been less than a month since our break up.

Let me tell you our story.
He was a regular customer and I knew it. One day he came in and I noticed something about him; he got a haircut !! I loved that haircut he looked so cute with it. My first words to him were "you got a haircut?" I didn't know that those words would change my summer. I never saw him after that until I heard that someone was looking for me. I was picking up my check and one of my coworkers told me with excitement that this guy was looking for me. In all honesty I had no clue who she was talking about.

One day I was getting out of work and 2 of my friends and I decided to ride the bus around the mall (where we worked) we went shopping for it bit and then we went home. Of course me being me I forgot about my keys; I left them at work and I had to go back for them. Since I still had no ride (nobody drove me to work anymore) I had to walk. I should probably mention that Grayson was one of the security guards of the mall. I walked all the way to the food court and picked up my keys. I walked half way home; that's when I saw him. I was on the phone with my sister; I can never walk without being on the phone (but that's a different story) . I saw him go into one of those bathroom resting stops (whatever you want to call them) to hit a deggy. I tried making him notice me I wanted him to talk to me. He tells me he remembers this day so clearly but I honestly don't remember our conversation one bit. What I do remember is that I asked him if he was going to the other side of the mall and he said yes, that's when I asked him for a ride. He drove me to this pathway and we talked about some lady who got into a car crash and how her window was all shattered. Her dogs head actually shattered the window; thankfully the dog was okay. Customers and "regular" people aren't allowed in those security cars and I couldn't help but laugh because he actually risked his job for me :) . Another thing I remember is me telling him that I have trust issues, I remember myself being open with him without giving too much away. This was something so annoying to me because I hated being open with people. I love keeping to myself. The only people I really ever opened up to was Grayson & Him. They were the only two.

Grayson never got my name that day.
I left him wondering.
That's when the whole him searching for me/ trying to find out who I was, situation happened.
He didn't give up and I'm thankful.

He ended up getting my number; we talked nonstop. We told each other about our pasts. He told me about his ex and I told him about "him".

I told him about my parents he told me about his.

He told me his intentions and I told him mine.

All was good and all was mutual.

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