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Dear Followers,

I really want to know how you guys feel on this book. My other book didn't get that many views, comments , or votes and I was a little discouraged. But I didn't let that get me down. So, I decided to write this Arthur parody instead. I really want your feed back on this parody. So please feel free to tell me if I need to work on it more or if it's great already. I really want you guys to be interactive. You can even PM me if you have an idea for a chapter. Please please please help me with your support. And if you PM me have have the best idea, you can be one of the characters of the book of your choice and you get a shout out. I really do hope that you guys will be supportive and help me as I will help you. So if you can, tell everyone you know to follow me and read my books.

Sincerely, Tbone268jr

P.S. Until these 8 chapters you just read gets at least 10 views, votes, and comments. I will be posting more.

Elmwood City Crew: Arthur and the Gang Where stories live. Discover now