Chapter V: No Tutu, Nosey Waitresses, Schedule Changes

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"Bells, as much as I love you, and believe me I do, I am NOT taking ballet with you. Not in a million years." Natalie stated firmly. I don't even care if she gives me her sad face, I'd rather be caught dead than wearing a tutu.

Arrabella sighed knowing the battle was lost before it began. "Fine," She replied somberly before perking up slightly. "What about archery! Could we do archery together? Oh, pretty pretty pretty please?" She begged while clasping her hands together tightly.

Natalie rubbed her temples and closed her eyes briefly, "Please remind me, Why do I love you again?" She questioned. Arrabella giggled in response.

"I've been asking myself the same questions for three years." She replied smiling, "So is that a yes?"

Natalie rolled her eyes with a slight smile and clicked her computer before Arrabella began to cheer, "Yay! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She exclaimed before practically leaping over the table to hug Natalie.

"Jesus!" Liam mumbled before quickly removing the cup of tea from in front of the overjoyed girl before it was knocked over. "Calm down before you burn someone." He scolded as Arabella embraced Natalie. "She hasn't even given you an answer yet."

Arrabella immediately sat back down and looked at her lap shyly. "I nearly forgot you were here Liam Taylor, and yes she has. As long as Tali is smiling when she rolls her eyes she is going to say yes. If you don't believe me, check her screen." She mumbled while biting at her lower lip nervously.

Just as Liam was about to check Natalie's computer, the nosey waitress suddenly reappeared for the sixth time since they arrived at the little cafe Natalie and Arrabella had went to their first day out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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