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"We're here" my mom said, stopping the car

We are here. ugh.

"Do I have to go? I mean, I can be homeschooled and just text my old friends" I innocently smiled at my mom


I sighed and took out my earphones before heading inside. I practically had to drag myself in there. I hate this place already.

I couldn't find the principle's office so I went up to the first person I saw, which was a girl with who I'm guessing is her boyfriend because they are practically making out.

"Hey, um, sorry to interrupt but can you please tell me where the principle's office is? I'm new here and I need to get my schedule." I said, more nervous than I should've, but then again, not social.

"Oh yeah sure! And don't worry about interrupting anything! It's right down the hall to your left" she said pointing that direction

"Okay thank you so much"

"No problem! And you're welcome to sit with us at lunch, if you want. My name is Loren and this is my boyfriend Ian" she smiled

"Hey" Ian said

"Hi... Well it was nice meeting you guys. See you later maybe?" I said, more as a question


I waved bye and started walking to the principle's office. The halls were crowded but then again, it's high school, of course it's gonna be crowded.

I walked in and told the lady upfront that I need a schedule

"Oh! You're Mila Morales right? The new student here?" She replied

"Um, yeah"

"Alright..." she was digging though a folder until she reached my schedule

"Here you go honey, hope you have a good first day!" She smiled at me

I nervously smiled back

"Thank you"

"Oh! By the way, are we allowed to use phones during school hours?" I asked

"Yes, but in classrooms it's up to the teacher" she replied

"Ok,thank you"

I plugged in my earphones and started playing some songs on my phone while I walked, trying to find my first class, which is P.E.

I found it just as the bell rang and walked towards it. The area was pretty big, like the field and gym. Ugh I'm gonna have to run the mile on a bigger field, can i kill myself right now?

Everyone was already in there assigned numbers, for taking role. I walked up to the coach and told him I'm new here.

"Are you Mila Morales?" he asked me


alright you're number 36, right next to Priscilla. Priscilla, please raise your hand" he announced

I saw a girl raise her hand

"That's where your spot is, next to hers"

"Alright, thank you"

I walked to my spot and stood there. I repaused my music and started singing in my head, until I heard someone talking to me

"Hi" priscilla said

"What? Oh hi" I replied, obviously nervous

"Where did you come from?" she asked

"Uh, New York" I replied

"I heard it's pretty there"

"Well, some places. Not everything is beautiful but it has its parts"

"Oh, I see" she said

"What's your name?" she asked


"Oh! That's so pretty!"

"Not as pretty as yours! I would love the name "Priscilla""

"It's not that good, I mean I personally won't love it"

I scoffed and giggled

"Hey if you want you can sit with me and my friends. Loren, Ian, Alessandro and Chase"

"I've already been asked by Loren. Kinda funny ain't it?"

"Oh, well, great!" She said

I made friends on my first day!
huh, weird.

this is so bad 🥴
much love xoxo one and only

love and affection | chase hudson (𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now