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I woke up and grabbed my phone from the floor, where it was charging, and checked the time, 7:33. It's monday. Fuck. I'm gonna be late, I have like 7 minutes to change and do makeup, guess I'm not doing makeup today.

I wore a black thrasher shirt that has a small picture that says, "Oh god! Why can't my boyfriend skate?" and i love it, tucked in to my black high waisted jeans and some checkered vans. (A/N: no lie, I'm wearing this rn)

I walked downstairs to be greeted by my mom, "Hey! I though you left!"

"Can't talk now, gonna be late!" I said running towards my couch where my backpack was

It's 7:48 now and school starts at 7:55, school is about 5 minutes away from me but I still need to run because I'm a slow walker

I finally made it to school at 7:53, right when the bell rang.

I walked to P.E. and met up with priscilla, "Hey! I haven't talk to you in a small while! You're hanging out with ale too much!" I said running up to her

"I know! I know, but we can hang out all together now because we are going on a road trip!" Priscilla said, excited

"Oh my god! Really!" I asked, also excited

"Yes! Ale arranged it, he has those RV's and we can go anywhere we want!" She said

"Oh my god! This is so cool!" I said

"We are going to Las Vegas!!" She practically yelled, everyone looked at her

"Keep your voice down!" I laughed at how red she got

"Whoops!" She laughed with me

"Who else knows?" I asked

Priscilla completely ignored my question, "Oh. My. God! Is that a hickey I see?" She asked, pointing at my neck

Fuck. I forgot that chase gave me one, "N-No! No! No! Yesterday I was hanging out with chase, since no one else decided to hang out with us because they were all in love!" I laughed

Priscilla just smiled, shaking her head, "And? That doesn't explain your hickey!" She whispered the last part

"Let me finish! So we were hanging out in my room and he was sitting next to me on his phone and I was laying down. So his phone slipped from his hand and onto my neck, causing a bruise to from." I lied

"Mhmm" Priscilla said, pretending to not believe it

"I'm serious! Even ask him!" I said, I need to tell him the story I told her before she gets to him

"Fine! I'll talk to him during break." Priscilla said

That gives me time to talk to him in 2nd period, "Alright then!" I said

It's now 2nd period and we're talking with our friends or using our phones. Right now I'm explaining the story to chase.

"Wait... why do I have to go with this story?" He asked

"Because you gave me a fucking hickey!" I whispered

"Oh, I did didn't I" he smirked at me

"Shut up! Priscilla is on to us!" I said, pointing at us

"Alright then. But I'll be glad to give you more" he winked at me

I rolled my eyes at him, "You're annoying" I said

"But you love me" he said, intertwining our fingers together under our desks

"I don't think I do" I replied jokingly, smiling

love and affection | chase hudson (𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐝)Where stories live. Discover now