Chapter 11

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We finally reached Rio, I parked the car, keeping it's scent locked in my nose. I covered it with a tarp, and looked at Aiden,
I said" Okay... now, this is where it gets a bit tricky."
He said" Can't we just summon him?"
" Well... we could, but he's had this little block thing on forever, I was hoping we'd just get through it if we really needed his help."
" So... what you're saying is we're doing this the hard way?"
" Yep, that's what I'm saying."
" Alright, let's go." We started walking away from the car, my bag on my back, my ears covered by a bandana. I looked at Aiden,
" So, this your first time out of the states?"
" Yeah. You?"
" No, Dean and I drove to Canada just to eat Tim Hortons and then drove back the same day."
" What?"
" Yeah, it was crazy."
" That sounds awesome."
" It was, it was only the two of us, and a long drive." He smiled, intertwining our fingers as we continued to walk around.

After hours of trying to find Gabe, we were unlucky, and it was getting late. I walked to a motel, and got us a room, Aiden sighed as he fell back onto the bed.
I said" Yeah, I know how you feel, uh, you get some shut eye. I'm gonna go find some food."
He said" Are you sure you should be going alone?"
" I'll be fine." He nodded, then closed his eyes, I smiled then walked out, locking the door. I walked down to the desk," Hello, do you know any food places?"
The woman said" Down the street should be some, I think." I nodded then walked out, I walked down the street. Seeing a bunch of snack bars, I looked at them, and then got some food and drinks.
As I was back to the motel, a boy tried to steal my wallet, I grabbed his wrist and stared at him. I looked at him, aggressively,
He said" Sorry, sorry." I sighed then gave him a few dollars,
I said" Don't worry about it." He nodded then ran off, I looked at him, then went back to the motel.
I walked in, and Aiden was passed out cold, I smiled then ate the food that mainly was meat. I leaned over Aiden, and kissed him, he gasped, opening his eyes. I smiled, he did too,
I mumbled" Got food, come on." He got up, I handed him the food,
He mumbled" Did you just buy whatever was appetizing to you?"
" Exactly!" He smiled, chuckling, kissing me gently." Love you."
" Love you too." He smiled and began trying things, he sniffed something and grimaced.
" Just eat it, don't smell... and that's coming from someone who constantly smells everything."
" Yeah. Okay." He ate it, nodding his head after he got a good taste, I laughed, smiling at him.
" See, not that bad?"
" Yeah, I get it." He smiled and held my hand, I smiled and continued to munch on this hard lamb meat stick, it was amazing!

It's the next day, we ate breakfast and now we're on the search again. I looked at everything, then I grabbed some candy, I sighed then closed my eyes, praying for Gabe. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and he wasn't there, ugh! I'm gonna kick this guy's ass when I see him. I walked to catch up with Aiden, this boy is out of his elements, and even I can see that clearly.
I heard Gabe say" Hey, pup!" I turned and saw him, I smiled," Here, follow me." I grabbed Aiden's hand and followed Gabe to an apartment building and up to the highest floor. He turned to face us," Now, what are you doing all the way down here?"
I said" You son of a bitch!" I ran to him and hugged him, he laughed, hugging me back." Uh... this is my boyfriend, Aiden."
" Hiya, Aiden." Aiden waved, smiling a bit," So, what're you doing here, puppy?"
" Uh, we're-we're... geez, uh, My family's in trouble, with your brothers, Gabe, Michael and Lucifer."
" Oh, father, Mike and Luci together?"
" Yeah, they grabbed my family, Sam and Dean, Cas and Jack... they're in a little house in SC."
" Okay, need my help?"
" We need the archangel blade, Gabe."
" Oh... well, yeah, I'll go retrieve it, you two stay here, uh, condoms in the top drawer."
" Geez, Gabriel!"
" What? I'm sorry!" Then he was gone, Aiden was shocked, I looked at him, smiling crookedly.
" Uh... yeah, that's Gabe... kinda just shocked you, huh?"
Aiden said" Yeah, I never expected-"
" An archangel to be so vulgar, yeah, don't believe everything you read. Especially in the bible."
" Oh, okay..."
" Sorry to bust your bubbles, Aiden."
" It's, uh, it's fine."
" Yeah, sure. Let's see what this fucker has to eat." I walked to the kitchen, and dug through his cabinets and fridge. I found everything sweet, I smiled and started eating whatever I could get my hands on.
" Wow, baby."
" Shut up! I have a very fast metabolism, and half dog, so yeah, I'm kinda always hungry."
" Yeah, I know." He smiled and kissed my cheek as I glared at him, I smiled and continued to eat.

Once Gabriel came back, he groaned as he saw the mess I made.
He said" I shouldn't have left you here, I shouldn't have." He smirked, and gave me the blade, I smiled and nodded to him." Here you go, need me to zap you somewhere?"
" Yeah, to my car."
" You know the drill." I held Aiden's hand tightly, and thought of my car and where it was.
" I expect to see you soon, Gabe!"
" Yeah, yeah!" He touched my forehead and I opened my eyes as I appeared next to my car. Aiden was right next to me, breathing heavily, I chuckled and got the tarp off and got in, Aiden got in too.
" Okay, Aiden, now we gotta get back and rescue my family." He nodded, smiling at me, kissing my hand, I started driving.

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