The decision

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Tamaki's POV

I seriously can't believe this bitch just expects me to let her spend the night at my house! She is dumber then I thought!

"please! just one night. you guys can go back to your exercise and everything! all I'm gonna do I fall asleep, then I'll be gone before you wake up tomorrow!"

"you can stay as long as Tamaki says you can. I really don't care, I'm getting fuck no matter what." Ren said..... you know he's starting to get really blunt. but he's right, doesn't matter if she stays for go's. one thing is for certain I'm fucking Ren tonight, on my bed, hard and he'll be screaming so loud the neighbors will know my name.

"Ren, you sure? cause once I get my hands on you I won't stop till we both pass out. plus your going to be screaming so loud the whole street will know my name by tomorrow. I doubt she'll get any sleep with that much noise 5ft from her." I told Ren. I chuckled at how red Ren got.

  "ok eww, homophobe right here. now make a decision so I can get some sleep." damn always has to mess up the mood! know what she can get the fuck out.

"know what bitch, get the hell away from my door, your ugly car out my driveway and you ugly ass out my face and out my life! have a fucked up night, stupid whore!" I yelled before slamming the door in her face.

Ren looked at me shocked before it turned into pity which turned to anger then to lust in a matter of 2 minutes.

"baby, what could you possibly be thinking about that could cause such emotions to run through your eyes? What are you thinking about now, your eyes are glowing with lust, it's making me hard again."

"ah...u-ummm....I-I was j-just...umm"Ren stuttered. his face got red and his eyes got bigger. Then he smirked-which confused me-and ran down the hall and into one of the rooms, yelling "come and get me!" as he ran.

Ah....tonight's gonna be fun!

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