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"what did you do this time?" corbyn asked as he sat beside jordan on the couch in the dark.

jordan had screaming match with their parents, a couple minutes before corbyn came down stairs.

corbyn could hear ashley standing in the hallway upstairs as she nervously began to walk back and forth.

"i snuck out and i'm fuckin' failing math" jordan groaned as he stood up and just stood there.

"why didn't you go out with them?" corbyn asked, "i am not fucking eating with that bitch..." jordan snapped.

he was talking about their father, the screaming hadn't started until their father walked through the door.

jordan paced back and forth in front of a table of pictures placed in front of an empty wall to make it more decorative.

all the besson kids paced when they were nervous, angry or thinking.

"don't do anything stupid-" corbyn quickly stood up but before he could react jordan already had a picture in his hands.

he chucked it at the wall with hesitation, "i fucking hate him!"

corbyn quickly moved and wrapped his arms around jordan before he could grab another one.

"calm down," corbyn whispered as he restrained jordan, while the younger boy tried to push him off.

"let go of me" the boy growled, and corbyn moved them towards the couch where they fell and corbyn tightened his legs around jordan's torso.

"breathe, one, two, three" corbyn whispered and jordan listened.

jordan had really bad anger issues and only certain people could calm him down.

"get off me please" jordan mumbled and corbyn unwrapped himself from the boy.

"go get the broom" corbyn said as he walked over to the broken frame.

jordan turned the lights on, "i'm sorry" he said as he passed corbyn to go in to the kitchen.

corbyn flipped over the picture frame and looked down at the picture.

it was a picture of their dad with jordan on his shoulders, with a huge smile on his lips; it was his sixth birthday.

"here," jordan said, scaring corbyn he flinched and got a piece of glass in his thumb.

"fuck" he muttered and jordan immediately crouched down, "are you okay?"

corbyn nodded, "it was only a little piece."

the two swept up the glass together and corbyn continued to get little glass pieces in his hand by picking up pieces that jordan couldn't sweep up.

jordan used tweezers to get the pieces out and wrapped the fingers in paw patrol band aids when they started bleeding.

ashley bought them instead of normal band aids last time they needed band aids.


"what did you do to your hand?" jonah asked when corbyn walked in to their study hall.

corbyn sat down beside him, "what happened to your face?"

"what's wrong with my face?" jonah asked as he touched his face with confusion.

corbyn shook his head, "damn, my mistake it still looks the same; ugly."

jonah rolled his eyes, "what happened to your hand?"

"i picked up glass that my brother dropped last night" corbyn sighed as he look down at the paw patrol band aids.

jonah looked closer, "are those paw patrol band aids?"

"yes," corbyn said as he crossed his arms with heat rising in his face.

"cool, i got a hello kitty one on my ankle" jonah said as he reached down and lifted his pant leg slightly.

corbyn smiled at it without realizing it.

when he looked back up at jonah, he was smiling back at him which caused corbyn to look away.

"so does your friend ari always draw random shit?" jonah asked.

corbyn shrugged, "yeah or whatever gives her inspiration and she usually doesn't show it to people so that was weird..."

jonah nodded and corbyn glanced back down at his ankle.

"why are you always getting in to fights?"



y'all go check out my newest book, it's jachary and it's called rich and sad

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y'all go check out my newest book, it's jachary and it's called rich and sad.

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