f o u r t e e n

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uh fuck hi. :)


corbyn didn't have any homework today, he sat with his arms cross on his desk with his head laying on them.

"why are you so quiet?" jonah asked.

the brunette sat in the seat in front of him today.

he was sitting in the desk backwards, so he had his elbows propped up on corbyn's desk as he scrolled through instagram.

"i'm bored" corbyn muttered.

"do your homework" jonah said and corbyn let out a sigh, "i don't have any."

corbyn's eyes snapped open when he felt jonah's hand running through his hair.

he glanced up at jonah, he was still looking at his phone.

corbyn looked out the window as he felt heat creeping on his ears and cheeks.

he didn't react or say anything, "you're cute when you're quiet."

jonah removed his hand from corbyn's hair and went back to messing on his phone with both.

"i'm not cute when i'm talking?" corbyn mumbled, disappointed that the boy had stopped playing with his hair.

"you're cute when you do a lot of things, when you concentrate, when you smile, when you get mad," he let out a small laugh after saying the last one.

corbyn felt the heat spreading across his body, as he lifted his head to stare at jonah.

"don't just stare at me, accept my fucking compliment" the brunette muttered.

corbyn watched as pink slowly tinted the boys face, "thank you jonah."

jonah seemed surprised by how compliant corbyn was, he didn't make a remark; nothing.

he put his phone down and stared back at corbyn, "what's wrong with you?"

corbyn was caught off guard, what was wrong with him?

corbyn was confused himself, it's like he didn't have the motivation to come up with something mean.

"what's wrong with you?" he said.

corbyn stared at jonah, and jonah stared back.

corbyn felt his heart start to race at how jonah stared at him.

oh no, oh fuck.

it clicked inside corbyn's head; feelings.

he was finally willing to admit to himself that he had feelings for jonah.


corbyn laid with his face buried in his pillow.


jordan sat at the end of corbyn's bed, he crawled over to corbyn and laid on his side facing corbyn.

jordan was grounded for coming home drunk, as if he wasn't going to sneak out again.

"what's wrong with you?" he asked.

corbyn rolled on his side so he was facing jordan.

jordan may act like he's aggressive all the time but he always has a soft spot when it comes to the people he loves.

"i like someone..." corbyn mumbled.

jordan rolled on to his back, it's been away since he heard those words come out of corbyn's mouth.

"who is it?" jordan asked knowing it could be anybody since his brother was bisexual.

corbyn roller back on to his stomach and hid his face in his pillow.

"you're gonna make fun of me" corbyn mumbled.

jordan glanced at corbyn and smiled at his shy behavior, "no i'm not, let me guess."

corbyn sighed, "okay."

"is is a girl?" he asked, "no."

"umm give me a hint, what does his name start with?" he asked.

"j" corbyn mumbled.

jordan glanced at corbyn, "please tell me it's not jack."

"no!" corbyn flung up so he was now sitting.

jordan smiled already knowing that's how corbyn would react, "is he in your grade?"

"yes" corbyn said, "what color is his hair?"

corbyn hesitated before answering, "brown."

"does he play sports?" he asked, "yes."

jordan's eyes flickered to look at corbyn, "soccer?"

corbyn looked away, how'd he know.

"yes," corbyn whispered, "corbyn i'm being serious, please tell me it's not jonah marais."

corbyn pulled his hood over his head and pulled the strings.

"corbyn you know that he's a bad influence" jordan said as he sat up.

"that's pretty ironic coming from you." corbyn's voice was slightly muffled.

jordan sighed, "shut up."

the room was quiet for a couple of seconds.

"bad boys huh?"



i'm sleepy

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i'm sleepy.

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