1: Embracing it

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The first thing to do when getting through this is accepting everything that is happening right now in our lives. I know this is hard to do and it seems that the easiest thing to do right now is to ignore everything that's going wrong in our lives and cling onto the idea that somehow everything will fix itself and we can go back to how it was.
This will only make things worse because ignoring issues won't make them go away, they're just going to be there when we wake up and they're going to hurt us more.

So here's what we're gonna do:

Think of the things that are making you feel so empty and sad inside. Deep within the web of depression lies one or more major reasons why you feel so down. Those reasons are either people, things, or something you dislike about yourself that makes you feel like you won't be accepted by others. Just thinking about them makes you feel hurt so you try your best not to think of them too much and you distract yourself with things that you like, but I know you feel that this works for a while but your mind somehow slips those depressing thoughts back into your head and you end up feeling empty again.
Instead of ignoring those thoughts I want you to simply let those thoughts flow freely through your mind. Let them flow through and accept all the emotions they come with. This is the first step in getting through depression and I know its hard to do but you can do this, take your time if you feel like it will take you a while to accept these thoughts and emotions to flow through you.
I prefer doing this when I'm laying down with my eyes closed. I think of the person or the people causing me pain and I replay the exact things they did to me that made me feel so empty, and I accept everything they said and did. I take deep breaths and exhale with the thought it happened, but it's over now. I can't change what happened and it's totally okay if I'm hurting because of it. But it doesn't define me, I define me, and I accept these things because they are not me and I am in control of me.
And I accept myself for being me and accept them for being them. Doing this will lessen the pain by giving you an understanding that you are not like those who caused you pain and it will help you understand why they did what they did and you won't be bothered about what happened as much as you were before.

>>If you are having problems with embracing your depressive thoughts or with the process of letting if flow then message me about it, OK?

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