3: Recalibrate

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This next step is all part of letting go of negativity and everything toxic.
This step might be a little hard to do because it requires getting rid of things that you might want to hold onto, but trust me if you do this then you'll see how this changes you and how important/crucial this step is in the process of getting rid of depression.

So here it is:

Go into your room/house/apartment and pick out things that remind you of why you feel so sad and empty. Get a box and throw all these things in the box. Then throw the box out with the rest of the garbage cause we'll... You're done reminding yourself why you should be sad! You'll be relieved either immediately or in a day or two that you did this.
Now take your phone and laptop and other devices and go delete all the pictures/videos/songs/documents/contacts that make you feel sad and empty and alone. Clean it out completely cause that stuff is over now and we're moving forward to a new, happy you!
If you're on instagram, twitter or facebook, unfollow/unfriend toxic people, unfollow pages that give you sad vibes, yes especially those depression posts pages, all they're gonna do is make you feel bad so best thing to do is unfollow them.

Now that you've cleared all that out of your life you are ready to welcome all the unlimited positivity into your life.
If you want to, go out and meet new people. Or if you're not that confident like me, meet new people online. Follow fun pages that spread or post fun stuff. Like meme pages, DIY pages, those weird Satisfying Posts pages that you'd spend so much time watching the same video on, those ones! Download upbeat songs that make you smile when you hear the lyrics, even songs that have funny lyrics that make you laugh because they sound so weird the first time but you then start singing along to.
This one might be weird but do not watch comedies, instead watch movies that are heavy in romance, I know it sounds weird but try it. Better yet, watch a series instead of a movie. Soon enough you won't notice how immersed you are in it and you'll feel like you want to keep going. But don't get too carried away okay!

So have fun, smile, meet new people, go places you want to go to, listen to great music, watch those epic serieses(is that a word?), read a great book that's of your liking, and also get some good sleep that you've been missing lately. Be you, because you are amazing and you have a beautiful soul, others have failed to see it but I do and I know you do too!

I'm so proud of how far you've come!
Thank you for reading my book and I hope I've helped you in any way I could. I'm so happy that you found your way to my book and I'm thankful that you read this and I will continue helping people like us who need this :)

>>Again, thank you so much for reading my book and letting me help you with what you're going through. I know depression is hard to get through but with enough patience, acceptance, love and hope we can get through anything that's holding us down and making us doubt ourselves. We can grow and become a better us and we can help others just like us by showing them how to get rid of depression.
Anyways, if you still need someone to talk to then message me here or my other accs:
IG: iamallenvee or allenvanua
T: iamallenvee or malibutiki
F: Allen Vanua

Thanks so much,
- Allen

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