2: Let it out

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If you feel angry, sad and or frustrated, let those emotions out. Don't keep everything bottled up inside, it will only make things worse.

If you feel sad, broken and empty inside and you feel like crying, cry. Cry as much as you want to, there's nothing wrong about crying. It's natural and it happens to people when they feel sad.

If you're so angry about something don't just keep it in and sit there doing nothing. Find a quiet place or rather somewhere with a lot of noise pollution and just scream your heart out, not literally but you get what I mean. Do it for as long as you want and as loud as you want. Rant all your problems and worries and heartache and pain and suffering. Punch the hell out of something, but not anything too hard because you might hurt yourself.

So don't be afraid to let everything out. It's your right to show what you feel! Letting your emotions out will make you feel more alive and relieved that you released your pain.

>>If you need someone to talk to about the emotions you're going through or need a friend who can listen to everything, I'm here so message me here or my other accs:

Instagram: allenvanua or iamallenvee
Twitter: iamallenvee or malibutiki
Facebook: Allen Vanua

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