Chapter 16

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Sunday morning, early as hell it 4:25 and I have to be to the school at 5 so we can get on the bus. Can't wait to be with my friends and just them for 12 days. My mom is dropping me off. I have last minute things to pack like my tooth brush and deodorant.

" Julianne you should be packed already as much as you've been on my back about this trip"
" give me a second"

I begin to head down stairs then I remembered I need to grab my swimsuit.  I can tell I'm getting on my mothers nerves but I'm sure it's mostly the fact that she has to wake up early on the weekend. I'm sure she's more than ready to get rid of me. During the drive, I turn on the car radio.

Just for her to turn it back off.

" actually i want to ask you something"
" oh my goodness mom don't ruin my high, like I'm extremely happy right now can't we just let it be until I get back"
" no it can't, are you having sex"
" mom I'm 18 as of like two days ago"
"That means nothing to me answer the question"
" no I'm not having sex"
" well for 12 days, do you think you will be tempted"
" no mom no one is going that I would be interested in that way"
" is it a boy or girl"
" wow mom I'm getting out of the moving car"
" hey listen to me" she stops the car in the school parking lot, " I love you no matter who you are and who you love. I say this because your kind of blushing right now and I just want you to know I really don't care as long as your happy and healthy ."
" for what's it worth thank you I guess"
"Alright were done with the uncomfortableness, go have fun"
" thank you "
I get out and pull all my things out the car and go to stand with Leo and Jordan. I send my mom an I love you text. I can't with the mushy lovey type stuff. But I can send a text that can do a similar job. She would be sentimental regardless.
" where's Sam"
" Sam got sick, like hospital dehydrated sick"
" what why didn't anyone tell me"  I'm like shocked right now that I was left in the dark about my best friend".                                                                                                  "I only found out because I was supposed to ride with her here but she texted me her medical bracelet and told me ".                                                                                  " So now I'm the third wheel with you two"

The two of them holding hands make me sick. Kidding I'm happy for them but I wish I was kinda... you know what forget it. It's just easier when it's four of us.

Two buses finally pulls up and everyone starts cheering and hugging their parents goodbye. I notice immediately Roselyn's car driving fast in the parking lot, before getting out she kiss her husband goodbye. IM SO GLAD IM OVER HER.

Wait. Why is she here?

" your drooling"
I'm know I'm staring and Leo doesn't help.
Leo pushes me to walk closer to the buses.
We leave our bags by the bus then we we're told to which bus to load. Me and Sam would've been together but now I'm alone. Jordan and Leo were assigned to the other bus. This sucks at least they would've faked it and gave me attention or I would've forced my body between them to make them talk to me but I would've been with my people.

I get on the bus and put my headphones on. Plus side is I get my seat to myself as I walk to the back of the bus. I sit by the window and quickly text Sam to make sure she's okay. After everything's loaded, four teachers talked outside, one of them is Roselyn. Two walk to the other bus and just my luck Roselyn and some other teacher load on my bus. Roselyn gives me daggers but I pretend to not notice her until she pulls my headphones out.

"make room" I scoot over slowly. Looking around for her another free seat because why here and why me. It's actually more crowded on the bus than I thought. She stares at me off and on, I see this happening through the reflection of the window. It brings a small smirk to my lips.
" are you upset with me " instead of answering like an adult or being honest. I just give her the death stare then turn my head back to the window.
" what do you want me to say, Julianne"
" the truth and what are you doing here"
"One of the teachers had an emergency and asked me to step in"
She sits back with her arms folded.
" one minute you kiss me"
She covers my mouth and looks around but everyone is to much into their conversation to know what we're talking about. I push her hands away.
" next minute you're throwing me out, after I was there for you"
" I'm sorry, buts it's very complicated"
" it's really not"

Three hours left to be on this bus. So far that's two uncomfortable talks in one day. Next trip we have to leave all the adults home.

I didn't even realized I fell asleep until there was a big bump that woke me up. Her arm behind wrapped slightly around me. I was basically in her lap. My head was in her lap. I looked around but it seemed everyone was either sleep or deeply into their phones.

I removed myself to see her fully awake. So fickle next minute she tell me that any type of touching is inappropriate, next minute she's holding me. Waking up on her lap constantly replaying in my mind as I listen to music. Why does she allow one thing and stop another. I never know what I'm allowed to do.

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