Time skip to 6 months of Pregnancy

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_Because of laziness, i'm gonna skip to 6 months after!_

_Error's POV_ 

I was back in my old clothes.....It was The X-Event! But....Fresh was still pregnant.....6 months like it is this month....Ink send out this ink slash. We all missed......but Fresh was hit. I ran to him crying, he said,"Hey......Glitchy.....it's ok.....i'm gonna be ok....." He started to dust away, i grabbed the child's and his soul to keep it alive.He said to me,"Let mine go.....fate has sealed me,Error." I cried.....but i set his back in his body.....before leaving me, he said "Thank you......" He kissed me before leaving me to heartbreak. I got very mad and killed Ink and X-Gaster. Everyone looked at me like I was a psycho. I was.....insane. I screamed and killed EVERYONE. But i saw Fresh's spirit telling me to stop chaos. I.....I couldn't stop...."Wake up.....Error....Wake up!"


I wake up, it was just a dream. Fresh is still awake, he couldn't sleep because of the baby. It was still kicking him since yesterday morning. He kept asking me if i was having a bad dream. I said, "Im ok.....i was just having a bad dream again." I saw scratch marks on the bed, i knew he was in pain because of the baby kicking him. I decided to try out the sleeping magic that Ink showed me two months ago. I used it on the baby, i seemed make Fresh go to sleep along with our baby. I said softly, Aurora if a girl and Yurie if a boy.

The Pregnant Parasite (Error x Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now