After labor.....X3.....<:(

877 19 14

_Fresh's POV_

I hold Aurora and Yurie. Aurora looked like me with Error's strings,skin and eyesocket color (Red color) Yurie looked like Error but he had my skin, eyes and had pink strings instead of blue. I didn't care for looks. I loved them no matter what. Yurie was a surprise, as i didn't know about him until after Aurora's birth.I looked at my hospital bed......blood.....everywhere......I put Aurora and Yurie in their cases. Get up to found out the blood.

I looked to soul monitor was going down....I fell down....

_Sci's POV_

I heard a thud from Fresh's room. I raced in as fast i could. His soul monitor was at 5-4-3-2.....1. It stayed there.....he got the 97% of dying....0 [hp.0 ---------------------------------------------------------] the babies.....who were now motherless cried. The hospital had Error called in the room. He came in, before he came in,we put Fresh on the bed. Circling him with our heads down. Most cried. Error heard the noise. [hp.0 ------------------------------------------------] He cried, what i didn't knew was that he took his children and took them to the anti-void.

_Error's POV_

I couldn't believe it......Fresh died......I loved him so much.....I was gonna even propose.....these STUPID kids killed Fresh......


The Pregnant Parasite (Error x Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now