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_Fresh's POV_

It was around 12 am, Maybe around October? I was eating some candy, mostly taffy. Suddenly.....i felt a huge pain where the baby was. I thought it was just a huge kick. Until i felt it again. I kept feeling it. i felt something wet on my shorts. "No....My water broke!" I screamed, went on my knees and cried out, "ERROR,GET YOUR GLITCHED ASS IN HERE!!!!" He ran as fast as he could. "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M NOT IN LABOR!??!?!?!" Error picked me up. I screamed bloody-MURDER in our car. As soon we reached the hospital,Sci was surprised i was in labor 1 month earlier then my due date. I was laid down on a hospital bed,Error held my arm, I squeezed his hand so tightly,his hand almost fell off. "1.2.3. PUSH!" I pushed. "UUUUAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" i screamed, Sci screamed. "I SEE THE HEAD,BUT YOU ONLY HAVE A 3% CHANCE OF LIVING,FRESH!",i sobbed. knowing i could die during giving birth. This feels like hell! "PUSH,FRESH!!!!!" i pushed! "She is out! It is a girl...WAIT! i see another head!" I pushed hard,Another baby popped out. "It is a BOY!"

_Error's POV_

TWINS! i thought. Fresh had PASSED OUT giving birth. "Names?" Sci said."Aurora for the girl, Yurie for the boy." Sci was proud. "Lovely names,Error." Fresh woke up 4 hours later. "Huh? ERROR WHERE IS MY KIDDOS!?!" I was holding them. "Yurie, is the boy. Aurora, is the girl." Fresh smiled and said softly,"I feel so fucking terrible. Can i sleep with the babies,Error....?" I got up, giving Fresh Aurora and Yurie. I couldn't believe that he had twins. I grabbed my scarf and jacket before kissing his forehead to leave.

The Pregnant Parasite (Error x Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now