How you met

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Jeff The Killer

You were walking in the middle of the woods with your bow in your hands and arrows on your back. You were coming home from hunting. You sighed to yourself  "I should've came home sooner. Now it's dark." You hear a stick crunch from behind you. You turn and scan through the trees grabbing a arrow and holding your bow up. "I know you're there." You said as you starred at a black figure leaning onto a tree. "Come out and maybe i won't shoot you." You yelled to them. They slowly walked out from the tree but before you could get a good look they dashed at you cutting your arm and cheek. You looked behind you befoee they came dashing again. This time you shot your arrow into his arm making him grab it and dropping their knife onto the floor. "Heh, you have an awful shot." He said. "That was a warning shot. Next one will be between your eyes." You claimed starring at them. They came and walked into the moon light so you can see them clearly. It was a boy about your age who had a cut smile in his face and cold blue eyes and white skin that was whiter than snow. He had a blood stained white hoodie and long crow hair. You stood starring for a minute before he said "You're tuff, even for me. I think I'll let you stick around for a while." He said before dashing off into the night.

Ticci Toby

You were at a party getting wasted. You were drunk and had taken a dare to wait outside tied up to a tree till midnight as a sacrifice to see if Slender man would come. You agreed and was chained up to a tree in the woods that was nearby. You started to feel dizzy hearing sirens coming closer to your area. "Shit cops!" Your friends yelled before they all ran away from the party leaving you tied to the tree. You heard a crunch behind you and looked around for your friends thinking they were pulling a prank. "G- *hic* guys?" You asked in a drunken state. Your eyes widen as you see a hatchet flying towards you. You gasp and move your head letting the hatchet hit the tree. You growl and start to yell at whoever threw that hatchet. "You dodge that. Im impressed. Anyone else would have died." A voice said coming closer to you. You squinted your eyes as the figure came closee to you, "Who the hell *hic* are you?" You demanded to know yelling at him. "Someone who's going to be keeping you around for a while." He said cutting the ropes. Before you had time to respond he was already gone. "Maybe *hic* I'm really drunk. *hic*"

BEN Drowned

You were stomping around your apartment mad from loosing a basketball game and decided to play Call of Duty. You kept getting head shot from not focusing on the game and you lost making you angrier. You threw your controller at the wall making a hole in the wall. "Fuck!" You yelled getting up and walking towards the hole. You heard static from your TV, you turned around to see a blonde haired boy with a green hat crawl out of your TV. "You Shouldn't have done that." He said with a smirk. He had black eyes with red pupils and was crying blood. "What the fuck...." You mumbled backing up into the wall. He crawled closer to you. He reached out to grab you but before he could you punched him back down to the ground. "Oops, reflects." "Oowwwww!!!" He cried out in pain. "Maybe you shouldn't have done that." She smirked for a minute before he looked back up at her and disappeared into her microwave. "Is my TV okay?" You yelled to him.


You were walking home from a dance residual feeling full of joy and happiness. You started to twirl and skip your way home in on a quiet road. You stopped when you heard a can being kicked from behind you. You turned around to see no one but when you turned back a man with a white mask pinned you against the wall holding a knife up to your neck. You froze with your blood running cold in your skin. "Shhh." He said to you as you nodded obeying him. "Huh? Really?" He asked before backing away starring at you. "You're different." He said with a smile under his mask. "I'll have to spread the word." He said before running off into the darkness.


You were walking home from a dance residual feeling full of joy and happiness. You started to sing beautifully on your way home in on a quiet road. You stopped when you heard a foot steps behind you. You turned around to see no one but when you turned back a man with a black face and red eyes pinned you against the wall holding a gun up to your head. You froze with your blood running cold in your skin. "Don't scream." He said to you as you nodded obeying him. "...W-wait....What? You're obeying me?" He asked before backing away starring at you. "You're special.....I know ypu are." He said with a smile. "I have to know more about you." He said before running off into the darkness.

Homicidal Liu

You walked home from school. You stayed after helping out teachers and students with schoolwork. You thought about your life and started to cry stopping in your tracks covering your eyes from your tears. You stopped when you heard footsteps from behind. You saw a man run up to you and pin you to a wall in a dark alleyway. No cars were passing by and no one was walking. You cried more as he covered your mouth. "Shh, don't scream. It'll be over soon." He saod looking at you. You looked into his crazy green eyes knowing you weren't going to escape. You cried looking back down accepting your fate. "H-huh? S-sully i don't think we should kill this girl..." "SHUT UP AND LET ME TAKE BACK CONTROL!" The man started to talk to yourself as you dropped to tge ground starring at him. "Run!" He yelled to you as you nodded. You ran faster than you knew you could back to your house shutting the door and locking it.

Bloody Painter

You were sitting on a park bench sketching the sun set over the lake by your house. You smiled gently looking at the sun setting until someone grabbed your hair and pulled a knife over your neck. "Don't be excited for tomorrow." He whispered into your ear. "I'm not." You replied staying calm and breathing normally. He let go after seeing your sketch. "You draw very well...." He said starring at you. You looked behind you to see a boy wearing a blue jacket with a white mask that had a red smile across it. "Thank you." You replied standing up looking at him. "I won't kill you....For now." He said walking away. You smiled alittle and giggled slightly packing up your things and going home.

Eyeless Jack

You were feeding a stray dog in a alley way laughing and petting his belly. "Who's a good boy? You're a good boy!" You yelled rubbing his stomach. You smiled just as a man pinned you down holding a scalpel. "Kidney." He said looking at you. He had a blue mask with black liquid coming from the eyes. He suddenly stopped after a minute of you struggling. You looked at him in confusion befoee he got up and ran away. "What the hell was that!?" You thought to yourself getting up from the ground and running home.

Jason The Toymaker

You werw walking home on an empty street with barely any lighting. You were feeling on edge and anxious being alone on a dark street. You stopped when a bright lit store full of toys caught your attention. You looked into the window and smiled seeing all of the toys. "Do you like them?"  A voice asked you. You jumped back falling to the ground out of fear. "My apologies. Did i scare you?" The vocie asked. You rubbed your head befoee looking up at a man with long red hair and glowing yellow eyes. "I'm sorry." He said putting his hand out for you to grab. "I-it's fine." You stuttered being a little hesitant to grab his hand, but you did. "I made these all myself." He said. "W-wow... They're really pretty." You said at him as he smiled. "Thank you. You're pretty too." He said as you blushed and smiled alittle. "Jason is the name." "I'm (Y/N)." You said. "Well (Y/N) i hope you make it home safe." He said as he bowed down to you. "I-i will." You replied to him blushing lightly.

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