Louis Boards Information (aka Sally brother)

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Voice: Durarara (English dub) – Izaya

Name: Louis Boards

Gender: Male [He/They]

Occupation: High schooler / works part time at a market place

Species: Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual


??? – Mommy

??? – Mother

Sally – Little sister

Emma – Friend

Sarah – Friend

Victor - Friend

??? – Cousin

??? – Cousin

??? – Cousin

??? / ??? – Cousin

??? – Cousin

>Mother side<

??? – Grandma

??? – Grandma

??? – Aunt

??? – Uncle

>Mommy side<

??? – Grandfather

??? – Grandfather

Theme: Gorillaz – Sleeping Powder

Date of Birth: March 22

Race: America, French

Physical Description:

Pink hair

Black eyes


5' 6" tall / 168 cm

Personality: He seems like the nice popular kid but isn't actually popular.

Likes: lewd magazines

Dislikes: seeing his family and friends in pain

Back story:

He lived with his little sister.

Move to America for a little bit then move back to France because he miss his old home.

Died from murder by someone.

+Sally witness it all




His little sister in pain


>If he lives<

The killer miss giving Louis a chance to grab the killer arm and hold them down.

Louis told Sally to call the police but the killer got away before the police could get there.

Louis told Sally to call the police but the killer got away before the police could get there

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