Kara Sim Information

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Voice: Heathers musical - Veronica

Name: Kara Sim

Gender: Female [She/They]

Occupation: Artist

Species: Human

Sexuality: Pansexual


??? Sim – Father

??? Sim – Mother

??? ??? – Aunt

??? – Cousin

??? Sim – Aunt

??? – Step-brother

Shawn – Little brother

??? – Ne- I mean Niece

Damon – Friend

Jackson – Friend

Zack – Friend



Theme: TBA

Date of Birth: June 14

Race: Chileans and American

Physical Description:

Red hair

Orange eyes

Big parts of body

5' 9" tall / 175 cm

Personality: She is nice happy going person, she won't mind making friends. But is very protective towards her family.

Likes: Art, hanging out, and being with her brother

Dislikes: Her step-brother

Back story:


+Kara was born at the same time her step-brother was born, but it turned out the father was dating both moms and got away with it.

+As a baby Kara didn't remember much of her childhood until she grown up and her father wasn't around.

+It was confirm to her mother that her father was kicked out of the house by the landlord and lives somewhere else when she was older.

School was boring

+Kara didn't have any friends but keep her grades high and talk to her step-brother and cousin at time.


+Kara wanted to become an artist so she went to collage for it and graduated, becoming an artist.

+She did art at home mostly.

+Her step-brother came home with a girl he dating and she was moving in, Kara was fine with it until there was actually too much happening in the household so Kara went looking for her father.

+She found her father and now has an adopted little brother, she move in and help with her father and brother.

+Her father soon died so it was all up to Kara, she got a job as an artist to earn more money which worked.


+One night Shawn wasn't feeling well, she thought it was just a fever but it lasted more than it was supposed to. Kara took Shawn to a hospital to discover he has an unknown illness.

+Lucky the hospital paid her medical bills instead to do research on it.

+Kara cousin comes over to check up on her and tell her everything that's happening at home.





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