New Home

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"It's so cramped in here, how does anyone stretch their wings in this?" Link tilted his head, looking around and touching things he probably wasn't supposed to. 

Kearn monitored Link while he explored, examining what type of injury his wings suffered while Pit was gathering clothes of his so that Link could bathe. He couldn't help but stare at the bright red feathers, but how the other wing was clean and gorgeous (no homo tho). That made him wonder if Link was either some sort of weeb or if the wings were real. Certainly looked real, so did the blood. 

"So, where are you from?" He stopped Link from touching anything glass, taking every object from his hand that he picked up and placing it back. "You look like a New Yorker."

"What is a 'New Yorker?' I'm from Skyloft." Link smiled, his well wing slightly flapping in response. 

"Skyloft... Right.." Kearn narrowed his eyes, his interest only staying because of the beautifully colored wings. They seemed to respond to Link's emotions in a way. They would ruffle up whenever he saw something he found cool and flattened back down whenever Kearn would take the object away,

Saved by the rather annoying bell, Pit had chimed in with a pile of clothes in hand. "Okay! I got everything set! I even got a bit of bandages to keep your wing safe!" He smiled, handing the pile of clothes to Link while he looked confused slightly.

"These look really small.." Link looked at the clothes, but didn't argue when Pit led him away towards the bathroom.

"Okay, before you get in, lemme clean that nasty wound off of you." Pit took a rag and turned on the hot shower water, allowing it to adjust while he wanted to clean off Link's wing. "Do you mind if I clean it for you?" 

Link seemed to hesitate, wanting to say no but he knew that the shower, as from the steam that was blowing off of it, It would burn like hell if he tried to get in with an untreated wing. "Alright. But please be gentle." Link smiled nervously, slowly stretching out the injured wing to not hurt himself even more.

"Ouch." Pit commented, slowly cleaning the feathers and the wound. Pit had watched Kearn clean the wounds from whenever they turned into teenagers, remembering that he had always come home with a bloodied face and an annoyed brother telling him to quit getting into fights. 

Once Pit was finished, he finally had the excuse to touch the wing in order to wrap it in bandages. 'Soft.' He said to himself, his hands brushing against the vibrant colored feathers with a slight smile on his face, though Link seemed to be embarrassed about them being touched.

"They look nice." Pit tried to break the awkward silence between them, finishing wrapping the final layer of bandages while staring at the ruffled up feathers.

"Thank you.." Link mumbled, shy and a bit flustered. "But really thank you for everything. It must be hard to welcome a stranger into your home. The Raven human doesn't seem too happy about me." He smiled nervously, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. 

"Oh, don't worry about Kearn! He's always like that. I'm sure he'll warm up to you." Pit smiled, standing up and checking the water until it was to Link's liking. "He's just a little rough on the outside, just gotta give him a bit of time." He insisted, leaving Link alone to finally get into the bath.

As soon as Pit had shut the door behind himself, Kearn had yanked Pit away quickly and sat him down, folding his arms. Pit already knew what was coming and was prepared for it. A nice good scolding. From his younger brother. 

"Pit! We can't just have some random guy in our apartment! The guy thinks he lives in a place called.." Kearn paused, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger, swallowing hard. "Called Skyloft. How do you know he can be trusted?" 

"Well for one, he's real, I've touched and felt the wings. The blood is real and everything. Second, Skyloft probably is real if people like him exist! Where is he supposed to come from? And third, it'd be kinda rude to kill the people who saved your life." Pit pouted slightly at his frustrated younger brother.

"You know what fine. But he is YOUR responsibility, if he breaks anything, you buy it. If he kills you, I'm just gonna say I told you so." Kearn sighed and stormed off to his room, slamming the door behind him. Pit knew inside his brother never meant that last part as much as he tried to get that point across but so much for having a new friend to hang around with. 

Link stepped out of the bathroom not to long later, at least knowing he should clothe himself before leaving out, his hair at least protected by a towel so it wouldn't get on the carpet but unfortunately the wings were a problem. 

"Uhhh, Link? Could you step back into the bathroom real quick?" Pit asked, as Link tilted his head but didn't argue with what he was told, stepping back inside with the Pit following him.

He took a strange object from the cupboard underneath the small fountain, Link tensing when he noticed the thing looked a bit dangerous "What's that for?" He asked nervously.

"Oh. This is a blow-dryer! It'll make your wings uh dry faster so you're not dragging water everywhere." Pit reassured him, giving him a little pat on the shoulder. 

"Can you dry my hair off first?" Link hesitantly took the towel off his head, wanting to see what the strange thing could do before he allowed whatever it was to even come near his wings. 

"Sure!" Pit turned the blow-dryer on a lower setting, the gust of wind making Link flinch but open his eyes to realize that it was only air. He quickly adjusted to the warmth it gave off and how relaxing it was. It made it easier for Pit to dry his wings and hair off with ease. (Not to mention another excuse to feel the wings. They looked a lot prettier when they were clean in his opinion.)

Once Link's wings were all dried and puffed up, Link gave a bow of thankfulness, making Pit unsure how to react other than to just smile nervously. They left the bathroom after the course of two hours trying to get every spot of Link's wings dry, noticing Kearn had left his room, Pit couldn't help but feel relieved. 

"I can go get lunch if you guys want!" Pit offered, Link excitedly nodding while Kearn scoffed in reponse. In Kearn language, that always meant yes but I'm too angry right now to say it. So, quickly Pit grabbed his sweater and headed out the door, luckily his wallet and phone still in the hoodie pockets.

'Maybe.' Pit thought as he walked down the complex's halls. 'Just maybe they'll get to bond while I'm away. 

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