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"Pit we're here." Kearn leaned over and smacked Pit square in the face, being ever so gentle to wake his sleeping brother.

Kearn thought it was a good idea to bring Pit out to nature, that way there wouldn't be any distractions but also Pit would be 10 times louder due to the silence around them. No music to keep him quiet, no phone to vigorously type away at, nobody else to talk to. At least he found a good trail for the two to follow out in the woods, that way Pit could take longer just to explore every site they visited along the way. 

"Ow..." Pit groaned as Kearn stopped the car, his tired blue eyes looking around in confusion when he realized this isn't where Kearn promised they were going. "Uh.. Did  you get extremely lost or something? You said we were going to McDonald's.." He stayed in his seat while Kearn chuckled, unbuckling his seat-belt. At that moment, Pit has never felt any greater betrayal until now. "No you are not serious right now.." Pit's face became worried as he tried to check his phone. Nothing, no bars. "NO WHYYYYY!!" He whined, falling against his car door while his brother rolled his eyes.

"You need fresh air, maybe we'll see a bear or something I dunno." Kearn shrugged as Pit begrudgingly started to slowly get out of the car, quietly mumbling something under his breath. "C'mon you big baby, it's not that bad." The raven haired male scoffed, watching him almost nearly cry whenever Kearn handed Pit his things for the hike.

"I can't believe you would do this to me..." Pit whined, following behind Kearn as he lead him towards the trail, his brother ignoring his whining as they walked along. 

"The path starts here, they said it would be kind of difficult to see the path thanks to wind causing leafs to fall but the wooden posts should allow us to follow the path easily..." Kearn mumbled, looking ahead as he began walking.

It wasn't long until Pit would point out all the things he found interesting, rather loudly to Kearn while he shuddered in annoyance. 

"Pit you're gonna make the birds peck you if you don't be quiet.." Kearn warned as Pit apologized, quieting down only a little bit somewhat into a normal talkative tone instead of yelling. 

They followed the path for a good while until the wind picked up, making Kearn drop his map of the trail into a ditch down below, the twins praying that it wouldn't blow away before one of the could retrieve it. Thankfully, their prayers were answered. They stared at each other for a second, Pit giving Kearn a nervous smile when he rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll get it.." He mumbled sarcastically, carefully hoping off the bridge they were standing on into the ditch below, noticing something shiny and sparkling hidden in the pile of leafs. Kearn narrowed his eyes and reached for the object, when something a flash of dark green and white pounced on him to get him out of the way, followed by a loud yelp of pain.

The dark haired twin rubbed the back of his neck, groaning in annoyance but his expression suddenly changing into a look of surprise upon seeing who pushed him out of the way. A wolf, an odd piercing in it's right ear, and soft whimpers coming from the dog as it lowered onto it's stomach in pain. A bear trap had clamped it's jaws directly onto it's back left paw.

"Oh god, Kearn!" Pit instantly jumped down, helping his brother up while looking at the dog shaking but trying to growl and be tough in front of the twins. The blue eyed male looked curiously at the wolf, approaching it carefully as it growls seemed to get louder.

"Pit don't touch it, don't you dare touch it." Kearn warned, trying to grab hold of Pit but he knew his older brother would simply flail and whine until he was allowed to do what he wanted.

"No, we can't just leave it here!" Pit came closer to the wolf, leaning down as it backed away slightly, a whimper of pain coming from it as it scooted back. He looked at the trap, carefully unclasping the jaws that had painfully bit it's leg. "The poor thing is hurt... We have to take it!" His eyes glittered with glee as he turned to Kearn.

"No." The other male responded in a stern tone, his arms folded across his chest. "We'll call animal control, wildlife care or something but we are not taking that thing into the c-"

Too late, Pit had carried the amazingly heavy wolf to the car while Kearn just looked furious and annoyed the entire time they drove back home. 

"You don't even know how to take care of this thing. Much less carry it!" He followed behind Pit, who had a little bit of difficulty carrying the wolf up the stairs and to their apartment. But Kearn could tell by the look on his face, Pit wasn't going to stop unless they got it up and were going to take care of it.

Whenever Pit had gently placed the wolf down, it laid it's head down on it's paws to relax, but carefully watched the twins pace around.

"Now what are you gonna do? Kiss it's wound and wish it goodnight?" Kearn glared at the wolf while it seemed to glare at him back, it's piercing blue eyes staring back into his ruby red ones. 

"Nooo. I'm gonna bandage it's leg THEN kiss it goodnight!" Pit chuckled teasingly as he headed towards the bathroom, leaving Kearn staring at the wolf curled up on the floor. He came back with bandages to wrap around the injured leg and a towel to keep it in a high place so it didn't hurt the poor thing.

While Pit was wrapping the bandages around the wolf's leg, Kearn watched from the counter as he looked like he was trying his hardest not to mess up. Seemed to be like he was doing a good job because the entire time the canine licked Pit's hands, making him giggle.

"There we go... All patched up!" Pit smiled, a little yawn coming from him as he looked towards the clock. A small frown replacing his smile as Kearn eyed him knowingly. 

"Time for bed, we both gotta get up extra early tomorrow since we missed our jog." Kearn watched Pit walk off towards his room, following but stopping whenever Pit was dragging his blanket and carrying his pillow around.

"What are you doing?" He asked, holding onto his room's doorknob, while Pit stopped only for a second. 

"I'm gonna sleep in the living room! Just in case it's fine during the night heh!" Pit laughed nervously while Kearn grumbled, but not telling him to go back to his room, which the blue eyed male was thankful for. 

"Alright buddy, I got you a pillow for you!" Pit sat down next to the wolf's head, putting the pillow on his lap. It seemed to understand as it picked it's head up and carefully put it on the pillow, closing it's eyes almost happily. 

"Goodnight, just howl if you need me." He chuckled, placing his hand on top it's head and putting his head back against the couch and closing his eyes.

Pit had no idea about the surprise he would get whenever he opened his eyes, feeling something strangely in his hand. Definitely not fur, but instead something soft and silky. Whenever his blue eyes landed on whoever it was, he started screaming loudly. 

The person's head jolted up, looking at the screaming man then looking down at his hands. Well at least he's got pants on. He tried to shush him down but it didn't work very well as Kearn came in with a baseball bat. 

"Wait wait wait!" Pit stopped him before Kearn could swing, grabbing onto his awoken brother's arm and pointing towards the bandages on his leg. It was the wolf, but.. A weird human with pointy ears?

"Woah.. Are you some kind of magic? Can you talk now?! What's your name?!" Pit asked excitedly while Kearn rubbed his eyes, sighing angrily and putting the bat down.

"...Link.." He mumbled quietly, eyeing the twins curiously. 

"Well 'Link' go get a damn shirt on!" Kearn picked up his bat and went back to his room, slamming his door behind him. Link and Pit flinched at the sudden slam. Pit could see why he was so angry, it was 1 in the morning. They usually got up at 4. But at least he didn't stay in his room for long, mostly because he wanted to monitor this weird guy and make sure he didn't lay a finger on his brother. 

"Uhh.. Wait here! I'll go get you a shirt." Pit smiled nervously as Link used the blanket to cover his torso, the twin standing and quickly trying to find something for him to wear. An out of season Halloween shirt, but what are you gonna do? Let this man sit half naked in his living room and having to explain A LOT to anyone with noise complaints? He thought not. 

"Okay, put this on." Pit handed him the shirt, Link gladly placing the shirt on before handing back his blanket. "Sooo.. I'm gonna need you to tell me everything.. How did you get in that forest..?"

"Well.." Link began, folding his hands in his lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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