Earth Food + An Evening Surprise

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After Pit presented Link with the oddly shaped 'donuts' he called them, the Loftwing humanoid had gotten curious about them. He picked one for himself, a maple bar and just stared at it questioningly. Pit and Kearn seemed to have no problem with eating the strange new foods but Link wasn't too sure about it.

"Are you okay Link? You seem to be very angry with your donut." Pit grinned, the blonde peaking his head up slightly to tilt his head curiously.

"Where I come from, we don't have such treats. I'm kind of wary about eating this.." Link stared back down at the donut, earning a confused chuckle from Pit.

"You take it, and you just eat it." Kearn said bluntly, though as if Link were a helpless child, earning a blank stare from him.

"I know how to eat.. A little too well." Link admitted embarrassingly. Back on Skyloft, Link was definitely a one for sweets, Zelda always scolding him whenever he tried to sneak a snack or two. But despite how much he snacked, his metabolism seemed to never allow him to gain weight no matter what, he was always so skinny. 

The Hylian picked up the donut and took a little nibble out of it, his eyes becoming wide and his curious face forming into one with glee. It didn't take long for the donut to be gone, Link wiping his mouth while the twins stared at him strangely.

"You.. Were hungry huh?" Pit was only halfway finished with his pastry, Kearn only having taken two bites or so of his own.

"I didn't eat until yesterday.. Even before I had fallen out of the sky." Link tapped his finger tips together, his wings ruffling up slightly while Pit looked slightly worried.

"You must've been starving! I'm sorry Link!" Pit took another bite while Kearn rolled his eyes, not saying a word to either of them. 

"Don't worry, I've gone days without it whenever I would have to travel. I'm used to it." The blonde smiled while Pit only got more upset, slamming his hands down on the counter.

"I won't have that in this.. Apartment! From this day forward, you will not go another day without eating and I'll make sure of it!" Pit lifted his head up with pride, Kearn giving a grumble of annoyance.

'Great another mouth to feed.' He thought to himself, placing his unfinished coconut donut down on the counter, thankfully on a napkin because he's no heathen unlike Pit who just puts things whenever he wants. 

"Pit, I hope you know that this means you can't keep your side of the fridge anymore and neither can I. We have to share it now." Kearn leaned his elbow up on the counter, resting his chin against his hand while Pit's smile seemed to droop a little.

"That's-- Fine!" He tried to get his confident happiness back up but Kearn destroyed it even more.

"That means you're gonna have to share your cakes as well." The raven haired twin snorted, watching Pit start to give a wide eyed nervous expression.

"Again, fine! It's all worth it for our new friend!" Pit forced a small smile, Link giving a thankful smile towards him.

"I truly should do more to repay you both, I don't deserve your kindness.." Link blushed, feeling the soft curly hair that hugged against the back of his neck while he stared down at the floor. It had been a long while since anyone has treated him with such manners, someone always wanting an instant request or some sort of payment in return. Can't people do things just to be nice like Pit and Kearn seem to do often? (Well Kearn, more or less but the point is the same.) 

"It's no big deal, right Kearn?" Pit nudged Kearn's elbow slightly, pushing him to respond with somewhat of a kindhearted speech of his own. "I like doing this stuff, makes me feel great doing good for the world."

"Yeah, sure it does mama's boy." Kearn rolled his eyes, though Pit jolted as if he just remembered something, the change not going unnoticed by his twin. "...?"

"Hahah- I just remembered!" Pit clapped his hands together, stepping back from the counter, leaving his half finished donut on the plain counter top. "I have something to do and something to get ready for that isn't really important and you totally shouldn't worry about because everything is gonna be fine!" The older twin rambled, taking steps back slowly towards his room while Link and Kearn watched him suspiciously. 

It didn't take long for Kearn to follow, opening Pit's door to find him scrambling around in a panic. "Dude are you okay, you look like you're going to have a heart attack-" He was cut off by Pit grabbing him by the collar of his black and purple hoodie, his slightly taller brother staring him in his ruby red eyes.

"Mom is coming over in 30 minutes and I AM GONNA LOSE IT." Pit released Kearn, continuing to rush around the room desperately trying to clean it up a little. "SHE'S ALSO GOING TO FREAK OUT IF SHE SEES LINK HOW DO I EXPLAIN A GIANT BIRD GUY IN THE APARTMENT WITHOUT HER GOING NUTS-" 

Kearn smirked the entire time, watching Pit work quickly, not making much effort trying to be quiet about the current situation so that Link found his way over. The Loftwing humanoid and the raven haired male just watched Pit struggle in an attempt to make his room look nicer before he went over to Link.

"Link, my mom is coming over, so you need to be on your best behavior okay! Top quality, best of the best!" Pit grabbed Link by the sleeve and dragged him towards the living room, Kearn shutting Pit's door behind him.

"Here put this over your wings!" Pit tossed Link a coat, his golden eyes staring at it in discomfort, hesitantly placing it over the vibrant colors.

"Okay but what's the matter with my wings?" Link frowned slightly, sitting down on the couch while he watched Pit pace back and forth anxiously. Kearn enjoyed watching his older sibling  
so frantic whenever little panic was in him.

"Mom isn't.. The best at handling these things and trust me, she will go crazy if she sees you. She may come off as.. Strong when you first see her so be careful, her hugs are something you can't escape." Kearn chuckled, explaining to Link while he nodded in understanding.

"10 minutes, oh boy I totally forgot she was coming!" Pit scrambled to the bathroom, doing his best to attempt to make himself look nicer while Kearn and Link patiently waited for the twin's mother to arrive. 

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