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Kearn sat not that far away from Link, the two sitting in good awhile of awkward silence ever since Pit stepped out of the door. They didn't even look each other in the face, maybe a quick glance at the other's leg or hand. Finally, Link wanted to break the silence and take a breath that he knows both he and Kearn had been holding in for way too long. 

"You've asked me questions about my home. But I haven't gotten to ask you anything." Link tucked his wings in so they weren't in Kearn's face, giving him a wondering glance. Pit looked almost the same way as Link did now to Kearn, it was concerning. 

"There isn't much to know. But I'm not stopping you." The raven haired male leaned back against the couch, putting his arms behind his head. 

"You and Pit, who is the eldest one?" Link questioned, realizing that the two had been twins ever since he got the chance to first lay eyes on them side by side.

"...Pit is. But only by a few minutes." Kearn answered, though he didn't like being called the 'baby brother' of Pit. He'd punch someone in the jaw if anyone had even thought of teasing him like that. 

"Ah, I see." Link grinned, trying to warm up Kearn's rough attitude. 'Deep down inside, he's got something soft in there. I just need to get him out of his shell.' He said to himself, wanting to get to know the grouch a little bit better. 

"So, it's my turn for a question. Can I feel your wings? Just to see if they're real?" Kearn looked at the red, white, purple and yellow pattern that had weirdly be poking itself out of Link's frame for awhile now. Time for the moment of truth, was Link a weirdo on crack or was he telling the truth about who he really was?

"...I suppose you can.. Normally I don't let others, but I must repay you for your hospitality." Link sighed, sitting up and spreading the uninjured wing out for Kearn to see. He swore he saw a little bit of a curious glint of awe whenever the other male got a good look at it.

"Cool." Kearn reached out, gently touching the wing as he felt a slight twitch, the feathers suddenly fluff up in his hand, the white silky colored feathers nearly covering it. They were indeed real, and now it felt like he was touching something so gentle, he only slightly felt like a jerk for wanting to kick Link out of the apartment. But still, 75% of him had no trust in this weird bird creature man thing. "I've noticed your ears, what are you?" He motioned towards Link's pointed ears, tilting his head slightly to get a better glance at them.

"I am a Hylian. I was training to be a knight just before I had fallen with my injured wing. The storms are getting worse and worse..." Link sighed, remembering the nasty fall he had whenever taking flight lessons from Pipit, flinching slightly at the pain that came from his wing.

"Knight huh? That's like being a cop down here, always patrolling and helping people in need." Kearn explained, though he wasn't really paying attention much, putting way too much focus into the feathers, his tough guy act slightly breaking over the fact at how soft they were.

"...Are you done touching them yet..?" Link looked down at Kearn, who didn't really seem to hear him until the Hylian cleared his throat to get his attention.

"What? Oh- Yeah I'm done." Kearn took his hand away, as though as if it were hard to pry them off the soft wing, a bit of disappointment in his eyes when he looked down at the carpet. 

"Heh, that's one thing you two seem to have in common." Link smiled down at Kearn, who raised his head toward him.

"What's that?" Kearn folded his arms, narrowing his eyes to put on that tough guy look once again as if his childish curiosity didn't just poke out for a second there.

"You both seem to like to touch my wings." Link chuckled, while the human turned his head away in embarrassment, making a slight 'hmph' sound.

"I do not.. Pit overdoes it sometimes and- Nevermind." Kearn shook his head, facing away from Link so he didn't see his expression. 

"I think it's adorable. You and Pit may be different people, but you act very similar. You're just a bit more shy but tougher than he is." Link grinned but earned no response from the pouting male across from him. That only made him giggle even more.

"We are nothing the same.." Kearn mumbled, shaking his head once again, cringing slightly at the thought of being compared to Pit. That was his brother yes, but really? They are nothing alike, at least in his eyes. Pit was more fragile, more childish. To himself, Kearn was tougher, more adult like than his 'older brother.' "Maybe the same looks but nothing else.."

Link simply chuckled at Kearn's denial, tucking his wing back in before getting comfortable again. "I didn't have any siblings growing up, nor any family for that matter. You're lucky, Pit seems like he's... A nice one." He sighed sadly, earning a slight glance of sympathy from Kearn. Wow, two reactions in a day? How incredible! Pit would be proud of him. 

"He's annoying.. But you get used to it I guess." Kearn shrugged, facing back towards Link, no longer with a pout on his face. "Once you realize you're practically stuck with the goof all your life." He smiled slightly, but looked more like a smug smirk to Link. Another reaction? Is Kearn sick or something?

"He can't be all that bad.." Link tilted his head at his human friend, mimicking his arms being folded but simply only for warmth. It did appear to now be raining outside, the slight tap of rain against the windows near them. 

"Sometimes, he's awful. Once he stepped on my foot, tripped, dropped a pan on his own foot and wouldn't stop crying for two hours." Kearn sighed in annoyance, remembering Pit curling into a ball and sobbing. 

"Hey, I only cried for an hour, at most!" Pit mysteriously chimed in once again,  the door clicking behind him whenever it closed shut. He held  a box of donuts in his hand, giving an awkward smile. "Also look, I was 10 minutes early and refused to give me anything else but something from the breakfast arrangements. I thought, why not something to wake us up, hm?" Pit tried to make it sound like a good excuse, though Kearn saw right through the disguise, groaning in annoyance while Link just snickered quietly. 

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