•The Arrangements•

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"For the last time would you leave me alone."

Severus stopped outside the staff room.

"Oh come now, Harry, you know you want to. It's not like I'm asking for forever, just a bit of a fuck from time to time."

Severus identified that voice quickly, it was Max Richards the new charms professor.

"I have never given you permission to use my name Professor Richards, do not presume to do so. I am in a relationship, and new though it may be, I am very deeply in love with my partner," Harry lied.

Severus shook his head. It was common knowledge that Potter never left the grounds unless he had to.

Richards seamed to realise that as well. "Really? Who with?" he sneered.

Severus heard someone walking up the hallway towards him, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping he opened the door.

Richards had his back to the door, Potter looked up and blushed. "Snape!"

Richards turned around. "With him? You're kidding, or lying, which is it?" he demanded.

Severus crossed his arms and growled.

Minerva entered the room. "To my knowledge, Mr Potter does not lie, or kid, about anything important," she said having heard Richards' last comment.

The rest of the staff filed in and the end to the week meeting started.

Richards hung back at the end of the meeting, trying to catch Harry alone again.

Harry left as quickly as he could, following Severus out of the door. "Wait, Harry, Mr Potter. You can do better than him. Why don't I come to your rooms later and I'll show you?" Richards leered suggestively at him.

"I can't do better because there is no one better. I won't see you tonight or ever."

Severus put a hand on Harry shoulder, although he couldn't say even to himself why. "Ignore him, he can't help being a dickhead. He was when I taught him too."

Harry allowed himself to be guided away. "These are my rooms," Harry said stupidly, when they stopped walking.

"Your powers of observation are astounding as ever. Well open the door," Severus said quietly knowing they had been followed.

Harry lent forward and whispered to the portrait, which swung aside easily. When the portrait closed, again Severus dropped his hand.

"Thank you," Harry said dropping unhappily into a chair. "Please take a seat."

"No, thank you, if you would excuse me, I'll take my leave." Severus left quickly, trying to ignore how tired Potter looked.

Harry watched him to wondering why a man who hated him had helped him. Pushing it out of his mind Harry showered and changed out of his teaching robes. Fridays were usually spent marking and getting ready for the week to come. Harry piled his marking, textbooks and everything he would need on his coffee table, along with a bottle of wine and some munchies from the kitchen, which was more than enough to feed an army.

Making himself comfortable he sighed in frustration when he realised his new quill was still in his bag. Standing back up he walked to the door and opened his bag.

The knock at the door startled him. Opening it, he saw the grinning face of Professor Richards, who was wearing a red silk robe.

"Hello, Harry. I saw the old git leaving; I guess you got rid of him. So can I come in?" The leering man pulled out the sash on his robe, which fell open showing only a scrap of material masquerading as underwear underneath.

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