•Beautifully Arranged•

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Harry virtually bounced down the track towards Hogwarts. "The castle won't have disappeared in the two weeks since we've been away," Severus chided, lacking any actual heat.

"I know that." Harry grinned at his husband. "I just can't wait to see everyone."

"The castle should be empty or mostly so. There is after all a whole month before the new school year starts." Severus caught hold of Harry's hand and pulled him to a stop. "I will be glad to sleep in our own bed."

Harry wrapped his arms around Severus' neck and leered up at him. "Just sleep?" He asked cheekily.

"Eventually sleep" Severus returned his eyes glittering.

They kissed gently, an affirmation of love, and a taste of what would come later.

"I loved every minute of the last two weeks Severus." Harry sighed gently in happy recollection.

"Even when I dragged you into the forest to gather those rare ingredients?" Severus teased letting go of Harry so they could continue their walk to the castle but making sure he still held his hand.

"The path we took was stunning and I remember what happened at the waterfall." Harry's grin widened.

Severus smirked. "So do I. That Gillyweed did come in useful."

Harry laughed delightedly. "Do you think we could get away with swimming in the black lake?"

"Probably not. However the castle adores you. If you asked her for a swimming pool with a waterfall I'm almost sure she will oblige."

The doors ahead of them were flung open and light spilled out into the courtyard. "Welcome back both of you." Minerva greeted them descending the few steps to stand with them.

"Were you waiting for us?" Harry asked hugging the older lady.

"The wards alerted me that you were on your way, I thought it would be best to intercept you before you went to your rooms."

"What's going on Minerva?" Severus asked suspiciously.

"You're both expected in the Great Hall." She responded, giving nothing away.

"I had a feeling this was going to happen."

"Well, think about it, we only had whoever was at school at our wedding. I imagine quite a few of our friends will be disappointed not to have been invited." Harry explained as they entered the castle.

"Quite right Mr Pot..." Minerva paused. "Have either of you changed your names in light of recent events?"

"We have yet to decide." Severus admitted.

"Keep me appraised so I can update the school records. However, Mr Potter is quite correct, there is a room full of people eager to celebrate with you. I believe the only reason Molly isn't furious is because nobody else knew either. It also helped that the wedding was so very very, you. It couldn't have been more perfect with years of planning." She beamed at them in a very un-Minerva way. "I'm very happy for you both."

"I suppose I do owe you a real wedding reception." Severus conceded.

"Well, if this were a real wedding reception you'd have to dance with me." Harry responded, smiling lovingly up at Severus.

"Don't you be starting that nonsense again!" Minerva scolded. "In with you." She ordered, opening the doors to the Great Hall with a wave of her wand.

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