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Chapter 11

Hiccup lay on the makeshift cot in Gobber's office. His crying spell had ended a while ago and he was just staring blankly at the ceiling. Gobber who had hugged him and listened to the story stood awkwardly nearby. "Uhm... Hiccup... are ya gonna be alright?" Gobber asked.

"Yeah.... Yes.... I think I am," Hiccup mumbled. "I just... need time I guess."

"Ya sure lad?" Gobber asked.

Hiccup nodded before saying "You know.... I guess this outburst was a long time coming." He mumbled "I guess I was too scared to speak my mind during our travels. Just think.. If I disowned myself there I'd be walking the desert alone or probably lie dead under the sand."

"I'm sure that's not......" Gobber tried to reassure but Hiccup cut him off with the sentence "Gobber do you really think dad would have spared any supplies to the likes of me? He'd probably be happy he wouldn't have to deal with such a burden anymore."

"Hiccup you aren't a burden!" Gobber said with resolution. "Now you listen here lad! Forget what ya dad had said and done and just live the life you want!" Hiccup turned and saw his uncle clenching his fist.

"Gobber you alright?" Hiccup asked. He had never seen the blond man angry before.

"I'm alright Hiccup, you just rest. I need to get some air lad."

Hiccup nodded as he watched Gobber leave the office. When the door closed Hiccup looked up at the ceiling "Hey Astrid, do you think we could just...... talk?"

Meanwhile, Gobber had left his workspace and marched up to the Command center. He made it there relatively fast, even on his prosthetic leg, and didn't bother to knock on the door. Gobber simply marched into the room and shouted "Stoick you fat idiot! Look what ya done now!" The room turned quiet as the others who were also working behind the monitors turned to stare at Gobber. Several were whispering others just stared incredulously at the man.

Stoick however wasn't really responding and just sat there at his desk with his head down and his hands in his hair. Gobber looked at the Berkians watching them before shouting "Out with all of ya! The Chief and I have a private matter to discuss!" The people in the room didn't need to be told twice. They all nearly ran for the exit as the atmosphere inside the Command center had become heavy. When the last one had left and the doors were firmly shut behind the two men Gobber let out a sigh. "You sure mucked it up big time Stoick."

"I know Gobber..... I know......" Stoick mumbled as he finally looked up. "Could you..... Could you talk to him for me?"

"I could," Gobber said and crossed his arms. "But I'm not gonna."


"Stoick you're my friend but I'm not going to fix this situation for you." Gobber told him with resolution. "You've been a right bastard to Hiccup and I love the lad like my own. The only reason I haven't said much was because he begged me not to start up something."

"Gobber.... I'm sorry," Stoick muttered as he sank back in his chair. Stoick looked much older and weary than before.

"It isn't me ya should be apologizing too!" Gobber growled. "Tell me Stoick, does Hiccup remind you so much of Valka that you had to alienate him just to not let your heart be broken again! After Valka died you just ended up shutting yourself off so much that you hurt your son!"

"Gobber I don't know what to do!" Stoick shouted. "Hiccup is... Hiccup is..."

"A smart lad!" Gobber finished for him. "One that you raised but didn't love! Honestly I wanna punch you in the face Stoick. You're the reason for this entire blunder. Just what where ya thinking all these years!"

A.I.: Orphans of Terra (HTTYD)Where stories live. Discover now