Chapter 37
"YOU GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY DAD!" Reverberated through the large laboratory and Mary who was standing over a strapped down, but conscious, Stoick with a mechanical sawn turned sharply to glare at the intruders.
"The hell?!" Mary shouted as she saw who had just barged into the lab.
Stoick's eyes went wide and his red bushy eyebrows shot up as he recognized his son's voice. He couldn't actually see Hiccup since he was completely held immobile by metallic straps on a table.
"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted as she banged on the sturdy glass behind her prison. She was in some type of tube that was affixed against the far wall and Hiccup's eyes widened further when he caught sight of her.
"Astrid!" Hiccup took a step forward but froze when Mary reached behind her pulled out a handgun on them.
"Who let you all out? My idiot husband?" She asked with some disgust as she glared at Hiccup and the gang. Gobber who was near Hiccup dragged him back a bit and half hid him behind the bulk of his body.
"Lady just what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Gobber shouted as Mary gave an eerie laugh.
"Why should I bother telling any of you since you lot won't be around for long," She muttered and leveled the gun at them.
"This is bad, this is bad, this is bad," Fishlegs was mumbling under his breath.
"I'd be out of a few guinea pigs for my next project but who cares right now." Mary stated while cocking the gun dramatically.
"Hold it right there!" A shout came from above and everyone including Astrid looked up at the catwalk that ran above the lab to see Ellie and the rest of the Berkians there. Mildew and Ack still had a firm grasp on Hank as they hauled him up by the shoulders for Mary to see. "You harm one of them and we pitch your husband over the railing!" Ellie threatened.
Mary simply scoffed and lifted the gun before firing it at those on the catwalk without hesitation. Several of the Berkians screamed and backed away and Ellie was covered in blood spatter as she shouted when she saw where the bullet had landed. The bullet had hit Hank squarely in the forehead and the man slumped down and fell over the railing when Mildew and Ack had let go due to shock.
Ellie looked completely horrified at the woman who could just carelessly shoot her husband like that. "That is one problem out of the wa-AAH" Mary suddenly shouted as she was tackled to the ground by Spitelout when her gaze was turned, sending both of them sprawling into the tray of medical equipment she had placed next to the metal table Stoick was tied to. The gun slipped from her hand and landed a few feet away onto the cold metal floor and the mechanical saw skittered with a loud clang under the table Stoick was tied to.
"What are you all waiting for?!" Spitelout shouted as he winced when Mary's nails dug into his shoulder and neck. That got everyone into action. The Berkians on the catwalk withdrew while Gobber told Hiccup to "Get the lass," while he went for Stoick.
Hiccup made it to the tube Astrid was locked in. She quickly indicated to the button on the side of the wall that would open the tube. The tube opened up with a hiss and then Hiccup heard his uncle, who had been trying to subdue mary, shout in pain. He looked over to see that Mary had managed to grab a hold of one of the fallen scalpels on the floor and drove it into Spitelout's shoulder.
"Son of a-" Spitelout shouted as Mary proceeded to kick him in the groin and get free of his hold. She knocked Gobber, who was still working on freeing Stoick, against the metal table as she made her escape through a set of doors at the back of the lab.
"We can't let her go!" Astrid shouted and tried to follow after her but running didn't quite seem to be in it for the recently turned human. Hiccup caught her as she nearly pitched forward.
"I doubt she'll get far," Gobber said as he finally got a strap loose.
"No, you don't get it!" Astrid desperately shouted. "If she launches the Re-genesis rocket it's the end of HUMANITY!"
"WHAT?!" Both Gobber, Stoick and Spitelout shouted and Hiccup looked at Astrid in quite a bit of shock.
"Go!" Astrid said as she started to lean against the wall while pushing Hiccup in the direction Mary had fled. "She managed to get the code of the nanites inside of me. She then re-coded the Re-genesis nanites to eliminate all humans carrying the Midas drug."
"Oh Thor," Hiccup said as he looked conflicted. He didn't just want to leave Astrid, who could still barely walk, alone yet at the same time the end of the world was near.
"Go!" Astrid said more firmly now. "I can catch up."
Hiccup nodded and then followed after the fleeing Mary.
The double doors Mary fled through led to an eerie, barely lit, corridor that had rust along its edges. Hiccup jogged through it and he came upon another set of doors at the end. These seemed much older and the latch was rust covered. They opened up with a creek into what appeared to be the old missile silo. The catwalks seemed centuries old but the rocket that stood ready to launch had a shiny white plating covering it. On it stood painted in bold letters 'RE-GENESIS' along with flag Hiccup couldn't recognize but he was sure it looked like Saturn.
There was a control room not so far away and he saw Mary through one of the dirty windows. Hiccup quickly made his way there and through the still open door that she hadn't bothered closing.
"Ah ah ah!" Mary tutted as she leveled a gun at Hiccup. Hiccup's eyes widened as he stared down the barrel of the gun. No one had realized that she had picked it up after the scuffle. She kept one eye on Hiccup as her hand extended towards a big red button that was covered in glass. "You're already too late," Mary smirked. "The rocket has already finished calibrating. All I need to do is press this."
"You can still stop!" Hiccup tried to reason. "You don't need to do this!"
"Oh but I do," Mary said as she pressed the button that started the countdown. "It's time to get rid of all the scum on this planet. The chosen humans shall reclaim their mother planet once again!" She proclaimed before she aimed the gun and squeezed the trigger.
AN: Will he live.... Will he die (yes this is a possibility)....... We shall all see...

A.I.: Orphans of Terra (HTTYD)
Fanfiction(Post-Apocalypse AU) The human race is dying and by their own machinations. In a world where the future is uncertain and the past is all but dust, does an unconventional romance stand a chance? And are they humanity's last hope? (HICCSTRID/ NO ZOMBI...