Chapter 24
Toothless blinked for a moment, completely unsure of what to say, before descending into a fit of giggles. He laughed until he started coughing again and Ellie had to push him back on the bed.
"I swear, if you break those stitches again!" She warned.
Toothless held up his hands in defeat and Hiccup thought for a moment. "I've been wondering for a while," Hiccup mumbled. "What weapon are you actually using that makes that type of noise?"
Toothless blinked at Hiccup before shrugging. "Hell if I know."
"How can you not know?" Hiccup asked with a frown.
"Because I found it in a long-abandoned military base up north." Toothless shrugged. "We were scavenging for supplies when we came across this really old base."
"You just found it?" Hiccup asked a little unsure.
"Well my cousin Stormfly found it. She owed me one so I got it." Toothless casually said. "I don't know from what era it was or why it was there but I took a liking to it. Called it Delilah."
"You named your weapon?" Hiccup asked.
"Hey! If some guys can name their vehicles in the wasteland I can sure as hell name my weapon." Toothless huffed.
"So where is it?" Hiccup asked.
"Oh I hid it." Ellie smirked. "Even if he saved my life I'm not taking any chances." This caused Toothless to let out a huff.
"I made a scan of it as it entered the facility Hiccup," Astrid stated and Toothless grumbled that he still had to get used to the voice. "My scans were able to match the weapon to historical data."
"Really? So it's old?" Hiccup asked.
"It still works fine," Toothless stated. "I doubt it's that old."
"My records place it early 23rd century." Astrid stated as she displayed several holographic screens showing a handheld weapon.
"No way!" Toothless exclaimed. "It can't be that old!"
"These records are quite intact. I'm sure that Miss Ellie can corroborate that this is the weapon she confiscated from you."
"It is," Ellie stated as she scrutinized the holographic images.
"Mom how can it be that old?" Gustav asked as he listened to the conversation.
"It's old tech. Old tech lasts long." Ellie shrugged. That was all she knew.
"Historic records show the gun is codenamed PB-67. A device made of now-unknown metals but plated with Rhodium for conductivity." Astrid explained as she showed several scans to the group. "The early 23rd century saw a rapid rise in weapons manufacturing due to the international unrest. The PB-67 was one of these test weapons. According to the data it was a plasma-based weapon and could disable a target up to 1200 yards. The weapon however was decommissioned after several testing phases."
"Why?" Toothless asked with a frown. "Delilah works great. The energy source can replenish with solar energy. Why wouldn't she pass the testing?"
"My data shows that the PB-67 was decommissioned due to hazard to user health. It apparently emitted a high-frequency pitch when charging up the plasma that was detrimental to Black Ops and secretive missions. The project was canceled when the researchers could not solve this problem."
"Such a waste," Toothless groaned. "I love the gun. Even as a sniper. The sound has become famous."
"Astrid does this gun have an auto-target feature?" Hiccup asked as all eyes fell on him again.
"It does not," Astrid answered. "Why do you ask?"
"So The Nightfury never missing was entirely due to skill." Hiccup smiled and Toothless actually blushed when he added "I've seen for a fact that you never wanted to kill people. You only disabled them."
Toothless mumbled something incoherent before Hiccup asked "So what now?"
"We can't keep Toothless here," Ellie sighed. "Even if he saved my life. Stoick would have my head for it if he knew." Hiccup nodded. He knew how stubborn his dad could be.
"I can't stay either," Toothless stated. "My mates are probably wondering where I am. It's a dog eat dog world out there. If they suspect you guys killed me then they'll come full force."
"They would?" Hiccup asked.
"Pretty much. I'm too big of an asset for the Red Queen to lose."
"The Red Queen?" Hiccup asked aloud.
"What's that Hiccy?" Gustav now mumbled as he tugged his sleeve.
"It's complicated," Hiccup muttered. "We never knew who ran The Dragons. This Red Queen is the leader?"
"It's a lot more complicated than that." Toothless suddenly snapped as Hiccup saw his fist clench. "I have to........ I have to get back to the tribe."
"Well it isn't going to happen any sooner than next week." Ellie told him. "You broke two ribs!"
"How do you plan on getting Toothless outside again?" Hiccup asked. "Scout duties rotate once a week."
"I'm sure we can come up with something." Ellie sighed.
"Let's just hope dad doesn't find out." Hiccup mumbled.
"Look....." Toothless muttered. "I know you're concerned about the ribs but I've dealt with broken ribs before. I will be fine if I can get out with the next scouting party. The sooner I get back to Stormfly and the rest the better."
"Why are you so eager to return?!" Ellie asked.
"You wouldn't understand!" Toothless shot back. "I just...... I just need to return."
"I should strap you to that bed!" Ellie warned.
"Maybe he should go," Hiccup said as he looked Toothless in the eyes. "Your friends are in danger aren't they?"
"How do you?!" Toothless muttered with widened eyes.
"I've been invisible most of my life. You pick up a few skills like observational skills. You're worried about your friends. Very worried." Hiccup stated. "It's this Red Queen right? She might hurt them?"
"I am," Toothless muttered. "I've got my suspicions but..... I just can't be certain."
"So..... what?" Gustav asked. "Toothless is injured but he wants to see his friends."
"Ugh" Ellie groaned. "Best I can do is keep him in bed for another two days. Not even the technology in this lab can heal broken bones that quick."
"So I can get back outside in two days?" Toothless asked with some excitement.
"Only if the next scouts cooperate." Ellie muttered.
"Well who are the next scouts?" Toothless asked a little hasty.
"One group is Snotlout and Tuffnut," Astrid commented as she pulled up the scouting rotation.
"Oh Thor," Hiccup groaned. This would take some convincing.
AN: (Wiggles into bed) Job, cooking, writing, thesis, more writing, thesis writing, meetings etc..... (Screams in frustration). I hate adulting! Next update will be either Wednesday or Thursday. I cannot be certain yet. Also I can probably tell you all now. This book will have a sequel. It will be called A.I.: Re-genesis. More details will be revealed at a later date.

A.I.: Orphans of Terra (HTTYD)
Fanfiction(Post-Apocalypse AU) The human race is dying and by their own machinations. In a world where the future is uncertain and the past is all but dust, does an unconventional romance stand a chance? And are they humanity's last hope? (HICCSTRID/ NO ZOMBI...