Chapter Seven~The Amazing Shower

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I want to Thank knmarotta for being the first person to vote for my story. Thank you so much! I'm really glad that someone has made themselves known. I'd just like to say something to all of the silent readers out there. Okay, authors like to know that ppl r reading their stories. If ur reading it without voting or commenting then the authors don't know if anyone is even reading it much less liking it. Authors love it when when they know their stories are appreciated.

So if u r a silent reader I'm asking u to at lease not be silent completely. Vote once. Comment once. That's all I'm asking for u to do on any story. Trust me, it'll make a big difference.


The Peacekeepers come in awhile later and grab me by my arms. They pull me out the side doors of the Justice Building. The first thing I see when they open the doors is the sun. It's so bright I have to shield my eyes. Slowly the sun's rays bleed together to form people and cameras. All the citizens of District Seven stand around is clusters, watching Condine and me walk to the train.

I look over at Condine and see no Peacekeepers grabbing his arms. Huh! I think. I'm going to pull away but then I remember, if I'm a scared girl then I won't pull away, I'll follow everything they say.

The Peacekeepers guide me to the train. I strain to see my family or Jared but I don't. Then I spot Jackly's face. She smiles at me and points to the other side of the clearing. I look over and see Jared staring at me. He smiles and mouths I love you. I mouth it back right before the Peacekeepers stop in front of the train's open door.

I just stand there. Am I supposed to go in first? Finally, Condine walks up the steps. I slowly follow him up without the Peacekeepers. I don't look behind me as I do.

When the door opens it reveals to us a beautiful blue and white room. My breath catches and I have to make myself stagger after Condine. He walks into the room and looks around. I can tell he's impressed but he won't show it that much. I know what he's doing. He's acting tough and nonchalant. He wants everyone, even the servants on the train, to think he's strong and brave; that a room could not pull him from his path to winning that crown.

I'm not like him though. I can't stop staring at everything. The dark blue walls are paneled and designed. The sofas and chairs are a deep blue, but not too deep to not shine out. They look soft and comfy. There's a table in the room also, that has really breakable looking dishes and glasses on it. Then there's another table behind it that's full of small little desserts, fruits, and a lot of different liquids I couldn't begin to name. There's well-kept plants and paintings everywhere. There's book cases and a television. There's actual lights and real flower engraved air.

I feel like I'm fixing to pass out but that's luckily when Bame walks in, closely followed by Gina. "Okay." he says. Condine and I both turn around to look at him. "So here's the thing. I'm really not going to say anything today. All the mentoring crap can wait for tomorrow. For today you can do whatever the hell you want. Check out the rooms and bathrooms. Eat the delicious food. Drink yourself to sleep. The point I'm making is I don't care what u do until tomorrow."

I look at Bame in surprise.

"But," he continues, "I will give you some pointers that can help you from here on out with getting sponsors. Act like them. Do what they want. Say what they want you to say. They're the ones you have to impress, not me or the people in the Districts. Them." he pauses, "Do you understand?"

I nod my head. But Condine speaks up, "So how did you win?"

Bame looks at him and a cruel smile crosses his scared lips. "Doing exactly what I just told you to do  dumbass."

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