Chapter Thirteen~You're Going to Look Beautimes

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"Turn," Gina says twisting her finger. I do as she says and twirl around. "Stop." She lifts her hand and stands up. She walks up to me and gives me a pointed look.

After a minute and she turns on her heel and walks to the mirrored room. When she comes back out and she hands me a pair of four inch heels. "Gina!"

"What?" her Capital voice purrs.

"I'm already wearing heels."

"Yes but those are three inch. Now these are four."

"But I don't want to wear heels." I whine.

"Well you're going to." she says, "Now take off those and put on these. Then you will do the exercise we've doing for two hours now."

"Uge..." I groan. I grab the heels and slip out of my other ones. Then I stick my feet in the extra high heels. When I have them on I ungracefully walk to the other end of the room.

"Stop!" Gina says. She stands up and walks over to me. "What are you doing?"


"Oh my, Johanna," She rubs the bridge in her nose. "Please just walk and do what I'm telling you to do." She sits back down.

I groan again and try to walk my best. I stumble a couple of times because of the heels. When I Gina tells me to swing my hips I do.

I swing my butt so forcefully I'm taking steps to control my balance. "Oh my..." Gina stands up and walks out of the room.

When the door is shut I flop back on my bed. I smile to myself. It was about time I let my true self out a little. I was getting tired of being told what to do and having to do it. I'm getting tired of sitting at the table while Bame makes a big joke of me and being silent about it. I'm tired being the weak little girl.

So when Gina split Condine and me between her and Bame I knew I was going to snap. She's supposed to be teaching me how to walk the right way and smile the right way and hell even how to laugh the right way.

I'm so tired of hearing her high pitched voice I think I might stab myself next time I hear it.

I smile to myself. I really shouldn't have just said that.

I swing my legs so the heels go flying and I walk to my dresser. I quickly slide our of the big fancy dress Gina made me wear and put on something more suitable to my standars: a tank top and jeans.

When the knock comes at my door I'm tempted to just ignore it and hop into the amazing shower but I can't. And I don't.

I walk to the door and open it. Condine is standing there. He flashes me a smile and walks in. I shut the door and turn to look at him. "What are you doing in here?"

"Wow I love your room." he says completely ignoring my question. He looks around and picks up a high heel off the ground."Just leave your stuff around, why don't ya." He smiles and I smile back.

He looks at the top of the dresser and sees the very uncomfortable bar I was wearing early and I just threw it on top of my dresser and left it. He lifts it up and gives me a questioning look. "Been having fun in here?"

"Oh!" I quickly rush up to him and yank it out of his hands and throw it over my head. "Oh now that was nothing. It was just something I..." I trail off when I realize how close we're standing. I stare at his very dreamy blue eyes.

"You what?" he whispers. I feel his breath on my cheek.

"I..." For some reason my brain's all fuzzy and I can't think strait. I close my eyes. What's wrong with me?

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