Bonus Chapter for The Broken

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I set on my bed with my niece pulled to my chin. I let my tears fall. I've let them fall for a long time. The reason why is because I'm stuck... I've been stuck in a dream that started wonderful, but turned into a nightmare.

People tell you that life's a journey, journey filled with paths. You start off on one path, like everyone else, you decide if its the right one or not. And as your life goes on you take new paths. You try new ideas. You make decisions; both good and bad.

But they tell you that if you do make the wrong decision that all you have to do is turn around and try a new one.

But that's a lie. They're all liers.

Because once you make a decision it's set in stone. You can't go back in time and correct it. It's already been made. Finished. You can't do anything about it.

Sometimes those decisions are good. Because you made that decision you got the girl you dreamed of, you got the job you wanted. Or maybe they are in between, maybe because you made that decision you're happy, but you can't help but wonder, 'is there someplace better I could be?'

But then there's the decisions that balance out the others. Because if you made a right decision for a maybe decision, at least you didn't make a bad decision. At least you didn't make the decision,

That left you hurt,

That left you broken,

That left you with nothing,

At least you didn't make the Worst Mistake of your life...

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