Chapter Fifteen~Let the Hunger Games Begin!!

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Okay so only two ppl answered my question but that was enough. So I'm going to tell u y. It's not going to make since until u read the beginning of the chapter but here u go... so number 1 was air, number 2 was earth, number 3 was fire, and number 4 was water. So one person picked 2 and 4. The other person picked 4 and 4.

So one vote for earth and three for water. So water won!! And let's head into the arena!!!


"Sixty. Fifty-nine. Fifty-eight. Fifty-seven. Fifty-six..." Claudius Templeshmith's voice booms from every which direction. He continues the countdown while I look around myself.

Oh my god.

I'm standing on a plate surrounded by water. In the water there's some kind of skinny worm like creatures swimming around and around my plate. I look up and see five other tributes in the water section just as I am.

I'm the one on the far side of the water wedge. I look next to me and follow the water a few feet but then it drops off into a muddy mess. Another six tributes are in the mud wedge. The mud is bubbling and popping.

I look at the next wedge where another six tributes stand. But instead of standing in water water or mud, they're standing in a section full of black rocks.

Then the last six tributes are just standing on normal ground (except for the plates they're standing on of course) It's just clear cut grass and a perfect path to the cornucopia.

Well now this isn't really fair, now is it.

I look back down at my feet and I realize that the worm things are shooting out electric bolts. So it's not safe to swim to the cornucopia.

Then I see the small plates placed randomly in the water wedge. They're just small enough to place a foot on, but they all lead up to the cornucopia.

"Fifteen. Fourteen. Thirteen. Twelve." Claudius Templesmith continues. I quickly look at the cornucopia.


Okay it's almost time.


You have to get to the cornucopia quickly.


Hop from plate to plate.


Get an axe.


No more hiding.


It's time to show them everything.


I can do this.


It's almost time.


Here we go.



I hear the gong go off and I jump. One foot hits a plate while my other lands on another silver plate. I hear something splash behind me. I look and see a tribute in the water. He's swirling and wiggling and screening in the water. After a few seconds it goes quiet and the first person of the Sixty-seventh Hunger Games died.

I see only one other tribute in the water wedge who has figured it out and is heading to the cornucopia. Without even looking I'm sure the tributes form the clear grass area is already at the cornucopia. So I shouldn't be wasting time looking at tributes who are stupid and die from it.

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