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Benzedrine woke up with a pounding headache. He groaned and brought his cold hand up to his forehead and rolled onto his back. Sandman was still asleep next to him, his dark eyelashes resting on his cheeks and his black mess of hair sticking all out in random spots.

The doctor turned his head to look over at the time. It was 6:31 am, 9 minutes before his alarm usually went off. He saw no point in trying to sleep a few more minutes, so Benz sat up slowly and slipped some socks onto his bare feet before walking downstairs into the kitchen.

Making himself just a bowl of cereal, his headache got worse. It started moving for the sides of his head to the front as well until it covered his whole head with the terrible pounding sensation. It took a lot out of him, as he went to the table and sat in one of the chairs, cradling his head in his hands.

Small footsteps sounded behind him before he felt two small arms wrap around his body. "G'mornin, Pa.." Winona's small voice said.

Benz smiled gently and returned the hug, trying to ignore the pounding. "Morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?"

She nodded and ran off to sit on the couch in time to catch her morning cartoons. It wasn't long until Sandman came walking down the stairs with a sleepy look in his golden eyes and messy hair.

"Morning, my love." He placed a kid on Benz's head as he walked by to make a pot of coffee.

"Morning." Benzedrine smiled weakly. Sandman noticed his discomfort and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you okay?" He sat in the chair next to the doctor. Benz sighed.

"Eh, I've been better. I have a killer headache." He laid his head down gently on the wood table.

"Well let's get you up to bed so you can rest. I'll bring you a pain reliever and some water in a minute." Sandman reached under his arms and lifted him to his feet to help the smaller man up the stairs.

Just before the couple got to the bottom step, Benzedrine's legs felt unsteady as he almost collapsed.

"Woah, woah, are you alright?" The taller stopped when he heard mumbling coming from the younger.

"Don't let the Doctor in, don't let the Doctor in.." He repeated over and over.

Sandman looked directly into Benz's eyes, which proved to be a bad idea. The eyes staring back at him weren't Benzedrine's. There was no bright baby blue with a ring of gold, they were now grey and void of life.

The color began draining from Benz, but not how a normal sick person would. From the tips of his light strawberry blonde hair to the toes of his yellow socks was completely grey.

The man in front of him was no longer his lover, but a twisted, demented version of him. Sandman backed against a wall and moved to where the kitchen met the living room all while being watched with a terrifying glare.

"Winona, get to Ry and Brendon's house right now. Tell them to call Donnie and Horseshoe for them to go over as well." Sandman whispered to Winona, who had just now noticed something wrong.

She didn't question it and snuck out the back door.

"What have you done to my husband?" He tried to sound brave but the slight wavering of his voice gave him away.

"Why," a demonic grin spread across his face with razor sharp teeth. "Your husband isn't here anymore. He's gone. But oh dear me, I haven't even introduced myself," He held out a gloved grey hand.

"I'm the Doctor."


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