Mission 6: Girl's Day Out

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Author's POV

"Elizabeth! Let's stop by the new patisserie by the TV station!" Diane exclaimed as she hugged Elizabeth from the back making her stumble.

"A patisserie?" Elizabeth asked with innocence adoring her features.

"Yes!! I've heard they served the best sponge cake and shortcakes in all of Liones!" She squealed happily. You can see how excited she was with how she jumped around Elizabeth. Elizabeth found it too irresistible to reject her, but she promised Elaine that she'll rest after school.

"Hmm.." She hummed with uncertainty in her voice. Diane noticed this and did her best to convince her best friend.

"Come on, we've never went to hang out even once!" Diane stated with her puppy like eyes looking at Elizabeth. Guilt filled Elizabeth as she looked at her best friend. She was her best friend, yet she kept a very huge secret from her and she had never went anywhere with her because she was so focused on her secret job all along. Her guilt doubled, tripled, and she felt really bad for Diane to have someone as selfish as her as a best friend. In the end she sighed in defeat. Letting out a small smile as her heart was filled with relief.

"Okay, I'll go with you. Just let me go get my bike," Elizabeth said as she went towards the bike parking lot. This will be the first time she's going out with someone and not for a mission. She was very excited for once. Soon, she skipped with her bike in hand and went towards Diane.

"Come on Elizabeth! Let's go for a girl's day out!" Diane said loudly. She was jumping around like a little child that had just gotten something she wanted.

"Coming!" Elizabeth said as she skipped towards her best friend, leading her bike along. Elizabeth got on her bike as she then motioned for Diane to get on the back. Diane huffed as she realized her best friend did not care for her own health.

"Come on! You're sick! If we're going on a bike, then I'll be the one to ride it!"

"B-but I can't let you," and here goes Elizabeth's stubborn kindness.

"Hey Elz, let me! I'm the one who dragged you out today, and you're not all that well, so let me ride. I don't want you to faint midway there!" Diane said as she held on to Elizabeth's shoulder.

"I-I-," Elizabeth wanted to reject her offer, but she knew better. She knew how hard headed Diane is if she wants to and she's not getting out of it. She sighed in defeat for the second time and uttered a small 'okay' to please her.

"Yayy, come on Elz, get on," Diane cheered as she was already on the bike, waiting for Elizabeth to get on the bike with her. Elizabeth just smiled as she looked at her very caring best friend and got on the bike.

"Hold on Elz! Here we GO!!" Diane shouted as she rode the bike quickly. This surprised Elizabeth and instinctively she held on to Diane's waist. The whole drive was quiet except for the people who were shouting for them to be careful. Well who wouldn't? They drove on the sidewalk to get away from the traffic jam, but with the speed they're going, they're bound to hurt somebody... Might be themselves, might be others, but who knows what fate will do.

"D-D-D-Diane, s-s-slow down," Elizabeth stuttered as she was holding Diane's waist, scared for her life.

"Just a bit more and we'll arrive Elz," Diane replied with a loud voice, to make sure Elizabeth heard her. Diane is not your normal high school girl. Yeah, she looked mild and cute, but you'll never think that she have a tendency of breaking the law. It's not only sometimes, it happened pretty much all the time in her life and this is one of them.

Elizabeth kept on clinging to Diane while muttering to herself that she'll be okay over and over again as if it was a mantra and she'll die if she stopped. The sound of the crowds started to get louder and clearer so did the sound of the train whistle. Elizabeth had closed her eyes all the way since they've started their journey, and the sound tempted her to open her eyes. She opened her eyes slowly and saw that they've arrived at the train station. Since it was still rush hour, the train station was jammed with people, wanting to get on the train to go home. Not long after, they stopped but Elizabeth didn't realize. She was too busy looking at everything to actually realize that they've stopped. Diane got off the bike and tapped Elizabeth on her shoulder, making her yelp in the process.

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