Mission 16: Dare or Dare

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Author's POV

The class had ended and now, Elaine, Ban, altogether with King were already on their way to Elizabeth's place. Ban and King hadn't been able to stay silent all the while, they had been bickering all the way to Elizabeth's place. She couldn't believe how everything turned out this way, she frowned a bit remembering the past.

As Elizabeth's house came into view, Elaine released a sigh of relief. She'll finally be free from their bickering.

"Hey, we're almost there," Elaine said pointing at Elizabeth's house. The two boys stopped their bickering and soon, they were standing in front of Elizabeth's house. Elaine knocked on the door and opened it. When they came in, they saw Elizabeth sitting on her legs, with a few books on top of her head, her left hand holding a vase, and her right hand holding a glass of water.

"W-welcome back, m-master," Elizabeth said as she tried to balance everything on her. You can see how hard it looks from Elizabeth's expression. Elaine went to Elizabeth and slowly put everything on Elizabeth down next to her. The boys, especially Ban, were laughing their ass off.

"Why are you doing this?" Elaine asked Elizabeth.

"Diane's dare," Elizabeth said as she tried to stand up but failing miserably. She fell and was caught by Elaine, but Elaine couldn't hold her weight, so they both fell. King who was the closest to them, caught the both of them, but he ended up becoming a meat cushion for the girls.

"Sorry," Elizabeth said as she tried to stand back up. She held onto the wall trying to hold herself up. When she stood up, everyone can see how her thighs were closed off with bandages, her stomach and shoulder was also closed off with bandages, and a few shallow cuts could be seen on her face.

"Elizabeth, what actually happened?" Elaine asked as she went to support Elizabeth. As the pure hearted young lady she is, she didn't use any harsh words even if she wanted to.

"It's nothing," Elizabeth replied. As she limped to her living room, they followed her and Diane was already sitting there with a devil tight one piece. King got a nosebleed after he saw Diane leaving Ban snickering At the two.

"Okay so before that, Elizabeth what happened to you?" Elaine asked again. Concerned about her friend's wellbeing.

"It's nothi-" Elizabeth answered before Diane cut her words.

"What nothing? Meliodas did this!" Diane stated quite mad.

"Meliodas did?" Elaine asked. Meliodas was the person she least expected to actually hurt Elizabeth.

"Yeah, she protected me when Meliodas attacked me, but he then attacked her like crazy," Diane explained. She was mad at herself, remembering how she couldn't do anything but froze in her place while Elizabeth tried to protect her.

After Diane's statement, you can see how the room turned silent. Ban standing with an 'I knew it look', Elaine with a disappointed look, King with a sad look, and Diane looked down in regret. Maybe if she had not chased Meliodas, Elizabeth won't be hurt like this. Knowing the bad room atmosphere, Elizabeth felt like she needs to do something.

"Uhm... Guys, since we're here, why don't we play dare or dare?" She asked as she sat down near Diane.

"Sure," Elaine answered, followed by a series of agreement.

"So who's going first?" Elizabeth asked. Diane quickly raised her hand.

"Me! Me!" She said as she jumped up and down like an excited child. If you're lucky enough, you can see that a small blush is forming on King's cheek.

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